
Jan 03, 2005 00:37

here's how it goes...
1. Leave a comment saying you want to be interviewed.
2. I'll reply and give you five questions to answer.
3. You'll update your LJ with the five questions answered.
4. You'll include this explanation.
5. You ask other people five questions when they want to be

aaaand i was interviewed by: Trinity02 (i don't know how to do the link thing...)

1. what has been your greatest acomplishment so far?
- saving someone's life. literally. i pulled this guy out of a burning car. it was SOOOO intense. i'll never forget it. ever. if you want the whole story, i'd be happy to fill you in...
2. if you could tell one person, one thing, who and what would that be?
- i would tell my daddy that i love him so much and i wish our relationship could be closer. he's a good man and i look up to him. i just wish we knew each other better. i miss him soooooo much. i don't see him NEARLY as much as i'd like. and yes, i'm a MAJOR daddy's girl...
3. what was the greatest thing about 2004 for you?
- moving into my new house. at first by myself (which i was really proud of myself for doing so well) and now with a best friend as a roomate. it was great. i worked so hard on my house. it really paid off. i love it. its a work in progress but then again, nothing good is ever easy...
4. what has been the best decision you've ever made?
- joining Phi Mu. my sorority. i know what most people think about sororities and i get "that look" all the time. but these girls are wonderful. truely a great bunch. i've met so many great people just in this first semester i know i will meet so many more. i love it. i love them! it was the best decision i've ever made!!
5. what is the worst decision you've ever made?
- oh man. what a loaded question. i've made plenty of mistakes. too many. if i were to pick one, i would have to say it would be my past choices of dating people who i like to describe as "projects". that meaning people that needed help that were attracted to be b/c i care and i could give them the help they need, and me being attracted to them b/c i knew they needed help and felt that i could help them or "fix" them. this drained me. but i love them all and i still care. but you can't be in a relationship with drowning people unless you are prepared to drown right along with them. i've learned that you can't just jump in the water and save a drowning person, they take you down with them. i'm not saying they do this on purpose. it just happens. and i spent many years going through this and got nowhere. more projects for me.
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