Apr 02, 2009 13:04

yo ho hello y'all slices of home!

since i stopped keeping this diary i've been a fiend for the paper-kind, man! mastering the surf, finding the right stream, stickin' wit it!

right now i'm sleeping on someone's couch, long days out of the house battling slush like y'all don't know what (they say it'll flood!)

i'm heading west in a month with Pat A. so Hay Janet and Kimichitty (who somehow i am on intimate enough terms with to call you in my head, and sometimes on the i'net) we should all get down, by god damn no doubt we will be down down down

things in my head these days are:
- serious battling of the addiction to talking shit (not to be confused with shit-talking), aided greatly by written words gushing forth like the dam's broke or some shit
- jock stuff, running made possible by yoga-legs, blazin amazin see me bookit down, check the gazelle style (check this hype!)
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