*Samus had lost track of time in her reading, flipping back and forth through the manuals the Doctor had left, leaving off one to search for something in another. By now, she was surrounded by open books, an empty tea cup, and the crumbs of whatever sandwiches hadn't been liberated by anyone else. She pored on, seemingly oblivious, occasionally
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After a while, the Doctor can be found wandering back into the library with yet another glass of the odd cold tea the TARDIS has prescribed him, after yet another checkup on the rooms of his companions- he can't help but worry in a streak sometimes for no reason. He scans the massive collection, looking for a title that may catch his interest for a short while.
He really ought to be out researching some of the more spectacular things he's learned in and about the Nexus, but while amiable with his friends, he doesn't quite feel up to being stopped at nearly every turn and asked a load of... well, silly questions, most of them. Most of them tend to concern his romantic relations with companions he can barely remember, or possibly has yet to know.
He has decided that being silly is a trans-universal ailment.
Silly truly is a trait shared by one and all. So is giggling, at least if the giggling he can hear from elsewhere in the library is any indication. Or maybe Ali has finally lost her last, tenuous grip on what he'd consider reality; that's always an option. Either way, she seems to be in a very good mood.
"It would probably help if somebody spoke Doctor," she comments to Samus when the laughter dies down, "besides himself."
It probably would. But we can pick out the words we know, and make a good guess about the rest.
*Why, his ears ought to be burning! They're talking about him!*
He rounds the corner, mildly surprised that Samus is here again- or has she never left?- and leans against a wall shelf, grinning a bit sheepishly. Several feet at Samus' back, he and his grin are in Ali's plain sight, and there he waits for an invitation or a sign of shooing him away, never having been one for interruptions unless they were terribly important.
"So, Doctor, what do you think of the idea?"
And when you've spoken of that one, we may have a couple others for consideration.
*Samus watches him sit, and he might have the impression that in her gaze he is being measured, and from those measurements, extrapolations, speculations, expectations are being made. But her next words are on the matter at hand.*
I've been at the manuals you showed me, and I have a possible idea for replacing your transpower unit. Ali had an interesting one, too, the feasibility of which you would know better than I. Which would you like to hear first?
"I would like to hear both, actually. All ideas deserve an audience."
Whatever her idea was, she wasn't expecting to have to explain that part.
*Samus seems to be responding to Ali's shock first, and seems a little surprised to find it had been a joke.*
--perhaps not as the part we need to replace, but if TARDIS tech is up to containing the tidal forces of a neutron star, there's plenty of potential to explore. And if we can find an agreeable star, or one that needs to be contained for the general safety of everything else, so much the better.
*She turns back to the Doctor.*
And that's the heart of one thought. The other has to do with a possible source of replacement parts. Do you know anything about the Luminoth, or the Chozo?
"Er- I seem to recall hearing a small bit about the Luminoth, some centuries back in my sequential past," he muses. "Something to do with souls in the light, I believe. What's this about stealing stars?"
Certainly, we wouldn't want to steal anyone's star--and the star itself might not be pleased with the idea--but if we found an agreeable star that no one else needed... well, there are complications, but I thought it was an idea worth mention.
*One might think her odd, ascribing personality and motive to what are essentially massive balls of really hot gas, but she's odd in so many ways one more might not even register.*
"Souls in the Light"--they'd like that, I think. They're contemporaries of my own people, and I've recently seen firsthand a device of their design that was able to absorb, store, and release tremendous energy safely. If anyone currently available in my Facet could build new transducer cells, it's them.
But back to the matter at hand. "If you believe they'd be able to build the cells, then I fully trust your judgment. Have you got any idea what they'd ask in return? D'you know if they might be able to build other parts as well?" He's not sure yet how he feels about harnessing the power of a star. The TARDIS is an impressive thing, but she's an old model, and he's not entirely certain she could handle such a load.
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