Sep 21, 2008 12:32
Today i have to do my homework, mow the lawn, sweep the landing, clean my room (whic never takes long, but still) and go to bed ridonculously early again. I'm going to talk to Molly, obviously, because i said i would. And Idk if i can even get to Alek's to do music shit. I also want to work on my book, while I still have inspiration. I have the first three character intros done in the first chapter, now all i need to do is write down the fourth one and think of a fifth. It was originally going to be 10 characters but fuck that.
I need to make sure i know of enough ways to keep the story interesting while the world is going to shit. Yes, random irreversible events can be good, but there has to be a stronger underlying plotline too, that isn't just driven by the characters' powers. And i have yet to think of anything really good for that. It will probably start when the characters start finding each other and the government starts trying to kill them. But still, they need to affect each other as people too.
And there needs to be a reason why they have their powers. Idk if I want to use god, like i had originally intended, because i know nothing about religion. Any religion. Especially the one that I'm suppsed to be part of *is still thanking parents for not making me go to church*. GAH. It can't be a weird disease because threre are only five of them and they live really far from each other. Or should I just leave it a mystery? Superhero stories usually have a story behind the guy's powers, but i don't want this to be a superhero story because those are stupid. Plus, my characters fuck up the world beyond recognition, and the only good thing they manage to do is destroy it, so they arent really heroes anway. Argh. Until further notice, i don't have a reason. If you have any briliant idas for one, i woul like o hear them.
sunday book time argh