ok- so it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be... jeez you'd thought I'd learn to listen to Brent more... silly stubborn me- but I guess I'll learn one way or the other? remind me again why I insist on the hard way? Oh well it's done- that's best part of it- I'm done with it for the year.
Parents know I need their taxes done quickly- so I'm not worried about that..
Hmm, I think Funker Vogt has released a new cd that I didn't know about- I think I'll have to order it. that a few albums from the now dead hagalaz runedance/ Nebelhexe- I have no idea why I prefer most of my electronica from Deutschland. Oh wait pop music sucks. ok so there are few exceptions- I do switch up music everynow and then...)
this isn't funny- and maybe the 2nd could be construed as cute in some manner- but this first one is.... not something I'd normally ever attempt
(Image Courtesy of
Blue Blood)" />
(Image Courtesy of
Blue Blood)" />
borg much? speaking of which- I'm gonna go delete myspace cause I'm sick of spam,.