Struck Speechless

Feb 02, 2006 01:12

So anyway, as I was saying... Ok, so probably not posting for more than a year after pronouncing that the DEA was putting out a hit on me was probably not the most reassuring move on my part. Apologies. But in my defense, my move to WV left me...speechless.

Prior to having left my previous peaceful abode, I had predicted:
Just a note: The constant LJ blathering (on my journal, at least) will most probably be turned back to the low-to-off position once I'm working again. I hardly know what to do with myself when I've got a few nights of normal sleep under my belt.
Unfortunately for you guys, I expect the topics will remain about the same: cat, garden, ranger rick, probably a little Martha. Joy and excitement for all ages. Yeah boy, I can see 40 from here, even without my spectacles on. Maybe I'll just make some shit up.

The first portion, oui. The second now requires a few adjustments:

First of all, pinkfish, I owe you a heartfelt apology for acting even briefly (link) as West Virginia's defender. I will hereforth commence slicing this hellhole to ribbons. Please chime in at will.

Secondly, there will be no "making shit up". If I can keep up with the appallingly Darwinian asshattedness that I am faced with every day here, then I'm spending too much time at the computer and not enough with the TiVo.

Stay tuned. Please do not attempt to adjust your set.
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