
Feb 16, 2010 03:48

1. Player Information
Name (or internet handle): Geoff
Current characters in Bete Noire: N/A

2. Character Information
Name: Gray Fox (Frank Jaeger)
Livejournal Username: onemanleft
Fandom: Metal Gear Solid
Image: here

3. Character Information II

Age/Appearance: Fox is somewhere between 42 and 48 years old.His skin is relatively pale and his hair has grayed with age. His natural hair colour is a pale blond and his eyes are a light grayed-blue, giving him a very Caucasian appearance. His nose is long but thin, his cheekbones are high and prominent while his eyes are slightly sunken and often give him a weathered look. He frequently has bags under his eyes, a sign that generally points to his issues sleeping. He stands roughly 183cm and weighs in around 78kg, largely consisting of muscle.

He's usually seen in a black shirt or turtleneck beneath either a green military jacket or a long, brown trench coat. He wears combat boots just about everywhere along with camouflage pants to suit his terrain (in Bete Noire, it's likely they will be urban camo). Among the things he's rarely seen without include a set of black, fingerless gloves, a set of dog tags and a red bandanna. A machete is occasionally part of his daily wear on the battlefield but very rarely in urban environments.

History: Born in Vietnam sometime between 1952 and 1957 (for the sake of making this easier, I will be assuming he was born roughly 1955-1956), Fox was a child of mixed race origin. One of his parents was an American of German descent (or purely German, it isn't specified) while the other was Vietnamese (or at least half Viet, it's vague). It's assumed his parents were casualties in the Vietnam war (1959) as he was orphaned at an early age. Due to his mixed ethnicity, he was subjected to a steady amount of racism due to his Caucasian appearance (blond haired, blue eyed, fair skinned, poster boy for the Aryan race). He was placed in a labor camp and forced to work.

By roughly 1963, the unnamed child who would become Frank Jaeger found himself in Mozambique, Africa. Whether he was shipped there to fight against the Portuguese or if he'd stowed away on a cargo ship after escaping his labor camp is unknown -- all we know is, he ended up in Mozambique and by age six or seven, was slitting throats. He was working under FRELIMO and they were the ones who gave him his name. He spoke a bit of a German so they called him "Jaeger" which means "Hunter". He would lure his victims into a false sense of security with the frankness of a young boy and then the moment their backs were turned, assault them with the ruthlessness of a hunter. He was referred to by enemy soldiers as "The Frank Hunter". He adapted the name "Frank Jaeger" out of the nickname.

In 1966, Frank got his first glimpse of the man that would be his saviour -- Big Boss. The details of their meeting are sketchy; whether Frank encountered Big Boss while looking for his next meal or Big Boss heard the story of the Hunter and went out to find him before he killed his whole unit is unknown. Either way, Big Boss found the boy and promised him safety, to show him a life away from the battlefield.

He was left at an orphanage/rehab facility, where Big Boss presumed he would be taken care of. That is, until the CIA (also known as "The Philosophers") raided the place and took the children there into custody. What does one do with a handful of African orphans? Right. Government experiments!

The Perfect Soldier project was now underway. To create a soldier unaffected by pain or pleasure, guided purely by duty instead of emotions and morals. A soldier as obedient as a well-trained guard dog. Out of the many children that underwent this intense experiment, but one survived -- Frank Jaeger. Due to the casualty versus success rate, the project was canceled. The one perfect soldier that remained was given the codename of "Null". A canceled experiment, a lost number.

To keep Null's mind in check, he would undergo a period of re-adjustment each day. Readjustment consisted of being placed into a coffin-shaped sensory deprivation tank which served to erase his memories and suppress all emotions. When he would be removed from the tank (generally after a period of twelve hours), he would hold no memory of anything -- except for how to kill and who to obey.

He left the custody of the CIA and was presumably sold to (or stolen by) the FOX unit in 1969, now under orders of a man that was part of yet another project -- The Successor Project. The Successor Project was designed to create a commander that was essentially God-like. Someone with the ability to control and manipulate soldiers at will. A perfect commander for a perfect soldier. Although a member of Gene's unit, Null found himself placed under the constant care of the chief medic in Gene's unit, a young doctor named Elisa.

Gene's base of operation was in Colombia, located at La Peninsula de los Muertos. This is where Big Boss encountered the boy for a second time. However, the two faced off as enemies. The funny thing is, despite his memories being continually erased, when Null laid eyes on Big Boss he managed to vaguely recall memories of the man. It drove him to the brink of insanity trying to understand why he could remember him but after falling in battle to him, Big Boss explained things and Null found himself remembering. His name was Frank Jaeger and he owed his life to Big Boss twice over.

It was shortly after leaving Colombia that Big Boss adopted Frank, promising to get the boy help. This time, he wasn't going to leave him behind. The young Fox became very dedicated to his new found benefactor, proceeding to serve under his command for many years.

1972 wasn't a good year. Only a year had passed since he'd joined Big Boss' unit and been given a life of freedom in the United States. Things already turning sour amongst The Patriots meant the beginning of a very rocky future. Major Zero had caused quite a rift within the group, funding a new project of creating super soldiers out of Big Boss' DNA.

This resulted in Frank serving in FOXHOUND until 1972. It's believed he left the unit at the same time Big Boss did, spending the next several years as part of Militaries sans Frontieres, Big Boss' "Military Without Borders" . (This information is to be confirmed. It's currently possible to assume Fox served in MsF but does not have a main role within the plot of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.

It was sometime between 1976 and 1979 that he was called back to Africa. Civil unrest resulted in a large-scale clash between FRELIMO and RENAMO. He was held prisoner by FRELIMO (the faction he served as a child) while working for RENAMO. Even during extensive torture (""), Fox refused to crack, even as is nose and ears were cut off. Big Boss ended up rescuing him, but little else is known about this incident.

Around 1979, Fox killed two civilians in Rhodesia during the Rhodesian Civil War. Their deaths were an accident, but upon killing them he discovered they had an infant child -- a little girl. Unable to kill the child, he found himself overcome with guilt and he took the infant girl in as a sister. He named her "Naomi" and raised her as if she were his own blood. He kept the truth hidden from the girl, not wanting to imagine how deeply she would resent him for murdering her family.

Sometime between 1980 and 1990, Fox spent time serving as a mercenary. He was allegedly known as "Hunter" to those in the trade and quickly climbed his way to being among the best. This life didn't last long, as he ended up returning to the ranks of FOXHOUND and the United States military. Whether or not he was serving as Big Boss' eyes and ears in the force he'd originally started is unknown. Big Boss would not return to FOXHOUND until 1990.

However, it was in 1988 that Fox met a woman. He was at the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics when he encountered her, an Olympic figure skater from the Czech Republic. She was known as Gustava Heffner and the two grew very close, very fast. The relationship moved quickly, after only a matter of months, Fox asked the woman to be his wife. He promised to get her and her family out of the Czech Republic and allow them all to lead a better life in the United States. Unfortunately, in early 1989, Immigration denied Gustava and wouldn't provide Fox with any explanation. Overcome with guilt and anger, he cut all ties with the first woman outside of his sister that he could claim he loved. He wouldn't see her again for ten years.

In 1990, shortly after Big Boss' return to FOXHOUND, Fox received the greatest honour his faction could bestow. His years of service and multiple acts of selflessness and bravery resulted him in achieving his new code name, Gray Fox. Fox rank was the highest honour anybody could achieve; prior to this, only one other man had obtained the title -- Roy "Chicken Fox" Campbell, one of the men who had started FOXHOUND with Big Boss.

In 1995 comes the elaborate plot in Outer Heaven. A group of alleged terrorist mercenaries had taken over the fortress known as Outer Heaven. Fox was sent in to infiltrate this base and was taken captive. Big Boss chose to send in another operative, Solid Snake, to rescue the other soldier. What Snake didn't know was, Fox had essentially faked his own capture. The entire mission was a ruse orchestrated by Big Boss, in an attempt to get a rookie soldier to send false reports back to FOXHOUND and allow for Big Boss to continue with his scheme. Unfortunately, a snag occurred in Big Boss' plans and ox was instructed to tell Snake about Metal Gear's existence. Assuming that the rookie stood no chance against a walking nuclear tank, Big Boss assumed he was in the clear. However, Snake managed to decode the secret method of destroying Metal Gear, which was an intricate combination that amounted to "throw grenades at its legs". The FOXHOUND commander's plot was foiled and when Outer Heaven fell, Fox went MIA.

No trace of Fox surfaced again until 1999. Solid Snake had been assigned to investigate the Zanzibar Land Uprising, to infiltrate this desert stronghold and destroy the Metal Gear the leader was harbouring inside. So it would turn out, Gray Fox was the leader of the Zanzibarland Dogs of War; a group of mercenaries hired by -- you guessed it -- Big Boss. What Big Boss had not counted on was the extreme lengths Fox was willing to go in order to settle a score he had with Snake. Disguising his voice and using an alternate radio frequency, Fox assisted Snake in battling his way through the fortress under he guise of Snake's "Number One Fan". In truth, what Fox wanted more than anything was a chance to face off against Snake. In the years he spent in FOXHOUND, Snake had been compared to him in terms of skill. Big Boss had personally trained him and taught him the same techniques he'd taught Fox. Gray Fox wanted to once and for all find out who was truly the strongest and wouldn't allow for anything to stand in his way. The entire ordeal resulted in Fox killing a woman that was traveling with Snake -- a female soldier known as Gustava Heffner, his former lover. Gustava never saw who killed her and it's uncertain as to whether or not Fox knew her identity but he still killed her without a moment's hesitation for the sake of his duty.

I'll be taking him from this mid-point in Metal Gear 2, post-Gustava's death.

Personality: Fox is a complex human. Born on a battlefield and thrust into combat as a child. He adapted, learned how to survive and did whatever he needed to in order to keep himself alive. Between his training as a Perfect Soldier and being hand-picked as a leftenant in Big Boss' own faction, Fox became a military genius. From strategy to all-out-assaults, Fox is calculating and precise; thriving on perfecting his skills and leaving no task unfulfilled. He's alert and precise, always watching people. During his days as a mercenary, he was known as the Hunter - once his sight is locked on his prey, he doesn't let it escape. Nothing will prevent him from fulfilling his duty; he was capable of even killing a woman he once loved without so much as blinking an eye. He remains ever-stoic, never allowing his emotions to show on the surface.

His duty is to Big Boss, above all else. He views the man as a commander, a benefactor and even a father. The man instilled many of Fox's core values in him, so some of his behavioural patterns will mimic the older man's. Despite his constant fidelity, the one thing Big Boss taught him above all else was loyalty to himself; to fight for what he believed in, to never be used as a mere tool of war and to find his own path and meaning. As the years went on, however, Fox's ideals reflected those of Big Boss. It was by his own conscious choice that he follow the man's orders and he will fight tooth and nail to defend what he believes to be "right".

His sister is the most important woman in his life. Although on the outside the two seem very happy with one and other, Fox holds a dark secret; he's the reason Naomi was an orphan. During an operation in Rhodesia (now known as Zimbabwe) in 1980, Fox accidentally killed two civilians. Upon the realization that the people he'd killed had an infant daughter, Fox found himself overcome with guilt. Unable to kill the child, he took her in and raised her as his sister. Since that day, he's done everything he can to assuage that guilt but every time he looks at her, she serves as a reminder of his sins. He still cares very much for her and is willing to do anything he can to give her a better life, including paying her way through medical school.

Outside of his sister, there is a tender side to the man. Although the only thing that truly excites him and gives him a reason to live is war itself, there was a time when he had a fiancee. She described him as being "He was handsome, well-mannered, intelligent... But always afraid." -- implying that beneath the hardened soldier's layers, he is human, someone capable of being tender and affectionate... But at the same time, a deeply paranoid man. He's always felt a certain sort of inadequacy, always felt as if he were incapable of making someone happy; be they his lover, his sister or even friends. His life has been spent on the battlefield and the only thing he believes he can do right is fight. The way he distances himself is easily a source of endless frustration for his family, friends and any potential romantic interests. Even to his dear sister, he'll give her a false smile to ease her fears.

Sexual Preferences/Orientation: Fox is difficult to pin regarding sexuality. In 1988, he had a fiancee and maintained enough of a relationship with her to cause the woman to obsess over him for the next ten years. However, at the same time, he canonly admits that he cannot possibly make a woman happy and the only thing that excites him is war. My personal interpretation of this is that he has no real interest in sex or any physical/intimate contact with people of any gender. I'm reluctant to classify him as asexual, as he seems to hold some kind of attachment towards Gustava (even though he was the one that killed her). He has a very deep attachment to his sister, which if looked at with the right mindset could potentially be viewed as borderline incestuous (his sister and ex-fiancee have very similar designs. Gustava (former lover), Naomi (sister). However, based on Fox's personality, he is not the type to act on such urges). With these points in mind, I feel it safe to claim Fox as being straight but severely lacking in sex drive.

Powers: Fox is an ordinary human. However, physically and mentally he's trained to be the perfect soldier since he was a child. He spent almost three decades under Big Boss' tutelage as well and quickly learned from him. As a result, his senses have been honed to higher levels than an ordinary soldier. He's physically and mentally strong, rather quick on his feet and is capable of wielding a variety of weapons (he's skilled in all forms of firearms but opts to use a machete or his bare hands.)

Reason for playing: I've always found Fox to be an incredibly fascinating character. I've never had the opportunity to play Fox in a setting such as this and I hope to be able to bring out a few of the darker parts of his personality, such as his unhealthy fixation with his rivals and how easily a situation can turn violent should he be pushed to that level.

4. Original Character Supplement
World History: What kind of world is your character from? This part can be short, but it must focus on the particular character's context. What was their world like, from their point of view?
Character History: Let us have a summary of the highlights, the turning points of your character's history. What was it that made them who they are?

5. Samples

It would seem every nation has a military; some form of enlisted guardians, defending both the morals and corruption behind their respective lands. Perhaps you agree with them, perhaps you choose to oppose them. From every madman with a gun to those who deliver vigilante justice, there are those willing to defend society. Their training may differ and their tactics may appear bordering on the obscene, but they are among us whether we notice them or not.

So tell me, those who dwell within this city of Sin... What makes the perfect soldier?


The warehouse where Metal Gear-D was stored had rapidly become Fox's mainstay; a place to grant him a brief respite from the scorching heat, a place he could work in solitude. The guards had their stations, set to patrol outside and through other portions of the building -- but here in the shadow of the metal behemoth was where Fox found his peace. The smell of oil and gasoline lingered about the area, serving as a constant reminder of where the soldier was located and he savoured every minute of it. Having recently operated Metal Gear-D, the tank had been depleted of it's ammunition stock. Normally, one of the engineers or a grunt would come and reload the chambers but Fox found himself taking a certain level of pride in reloading the missile chambers of the machine. He pulls out a box containing two of the IR warheads and carefully hoists them onto his shoulders, scaling the side of the tank and making his way up to the missile pods.

It takes only a few minutes before he's carefully loading the final missile into the chamber and once he's finished, Fox allows his shoulders to sag. He breathes a sigh and stretches out, climbing down off of D; feeling that sense of pride and accomplishment welling up in the depths of his chest. Wiping his brow with the sleeve of his jacket, a familiar ringing sound filled his ears. Someone was trying to radio him.

Pulling the hand-held radio from his belt, he pressed the button to communicate. "Gray Fox, here," he said, speaking clearly. Few people about the base had his frequency, it wasn't difficult for him to assume who would be on the other end.

"We need you at the Bio-Research Center."

"Understood," his reply is curt but not lacking in respect. A grunt of approval sounds from the other end before disconnecting from the signal; he knows what's expected of him. If there's an issue in the labs, it must be big; he'll have to hurry. His work here in the garage warehouse will have to wait until he's dealt with whatever issue may be at hand.

Strapping his machete to his belt and taking hold of n assault rifle, the soldier makes his exit. He opening the door and briskly walking down a corridor, a few swipes of a key card is all it takes to exit the warehouse. It's as he's walking out of the building that an inexplicable feeling of uncertainty and unfamiliarity pools inside of him. The warehouse door in Zanzibar was green. This one was brown. He immediately comes to a halt.

His eyes dart about at his apparent new surroundings, taking in the new location. This is not the desert fortress he often called home. This is not Zanzibarland. He's outside of what seems to be an apartment building, concrete beneath his boots, instead of sand and ash.

"Where the Hell have I found myself...?" he mutters, taking all of this in.

Third-Person #2:

His loyalty truly knew no bounds when it came to serving Big Boss. His commander had sought his assistance and knew that the soldier wouldn't turn him away. He was willingly captured for this mission; to provide as a distraction, serve as a mission objective for the rookie that Big Boss would send in as the rescue party. All of this for Big Boss' dream, that's how Fox found himself blindfolded and tied to a chair.

Voices came from around him; he could pick out three distinct ones. They spoke Portuguese, as if truly believing the soldier couldn't understand them. They spoke of Big Boss and how to go about dealing with their new found captive. Fox was almost flattered until one of the men moved closer and that fist that collided with his jaw quickly proved to be less than friendly. The ones holding him captive likely hadn't been briefed on his role in this little game; this was good. Realism was key if FOXHOUND was to be played for a fool and Fox was no stranger to putting himself in the line of fire for the greater cause.

He made no real reaction to that first punch -- or the second, for that matter. They quickly tire of head shots and a fist promptly buries itself in Fox's stomach. The soldier grunts and haves in surprise, clenching his jaw tightly to avoid making any other sound. He won't give them that kind of satisfaction. Another blow to the jaw and one directly connecting with his nose, successfully breaking it. Blood drips out a nostril and down along Fox's lips; it isn't the first time he's broken his nose. Upon the breaking of that cartilage, the assault ceased; the sound of the men's feet shuffling away, accompanied by their whispers quickly becomes the source of unease in the captured Fox. He can't hear what they're plotting.

He couldn't quite tell what was entering his mouth, save for the act the object was metal. Metal and taking hold of one of his top molars and now pulling. As much as he tries to fight it, a pained grunt escapes him; followed by another, as his assailant focuses on loosening that tooth. A strained moan of agony forces itself out of Fox's throat, his brow furrowing as his jaw twists in a vain attempt to alleviate the pain. The sensation is almost burning as the root disconnects from the gum; copper is quickly the only thing Fox finds himself tasting. He reels from the pain, shutting his eyes tight in an attempt to focus on anything else. He will not give them the satisfaction of hearing him in pain any more than they already have.

Plink. Fox knows that sound; his tooth has been set in a metal dish, his captors are likely going to keep it as a trophy. However, there are three of them and only one tooth. Fox braces himself; torture isn't something most mercenaries can take in stride. He feels those forceps pushing against his lips, forcing themselves inside and locating another tooth to grip and begin to twist. This one, like the last, isn't going to be coming out easily, and neither will the third. All Fox can do is steel himself, fighting the pain and silencing his cries.

Three teeth out, blood pooled in his mouth as he attempted once again to ignore the sting in his gums. He bows his head in an attempt to collect himself, the raucous laughter of his captors filling his ears. They seem to be thinking that they've won, that they've broken FOXHOUND's top field agent; how pathetic. He allows a viscous mix of blood and saliva to fall from his mouth, collecting in the lap of his fatigue pants. The battered soldier slowly began to raise his head, a short, wheezing laugh escaping him as the corners of his mouth curled into a smirk. Those teeth could be replaced; his pride, on the other hand, was best kept in tact.

"Is that all?"
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