
Nov 15, 2005 08:13

Ok seriously now. I never just go on a fucking rant or anything and you don't hear me bitch but i'm fucking sick and tired of this. Everyday at least once a day I hear something badmouthing St Clair. If you don't fucking like it don't fucking go. I'm not making you and nobody else is. If St Clair is such a bad fucking school then go elsewhere and stop your goddamn bitching. St Clair isn't a fucking bad school. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that it's a bad school. Mayby there is places better for certain subjects but just because you get a diploma from somewhere's else doesn't make you better than me. So honestly people FUCK OFF. I go to St Clair because it's all I can afford but if I had the choice I wouldn't leave anyways. Think of how much fucking money you are going to owe in the end. You have your tuition plus residence, food, transportation, books, school supplies, recreation, the list doesn't end and how are you going to pay this? A loan you say. Well isn't that fucking fine and dandy but how do you expect to pay that when you are done school. Just because you know your job pay soo much money doesn't mean your going to be making that when you graduate. You may just be able to make the minimum payments to your loan and this will continue on for 15-20 years. 15-20 years...are you fucking insane. And where are you going to live in the mean time? Are you going to buy a house? Well you can add that to your payments. And how about transportation? Oh you have a car, well you can pay the insurance and gas. Now yes I know everybody has to pay this but really now. But do you really need a $32,000+ loan on top of it all. And to say what, that you went to some fucking amazing college and got your diploma which is now better than mine at St.Clair. Fuck yourself. I live within my means. Because I know that Mommy and Daddy aren't paying any of my education or anything else and that in the end I owe it all , whether that be $8000 or $32,000. Having you parents pay for schooling doesn't help either it just lets you be more careless because you didn't pay for this education so why the fuck worry about it. I have 2 cousin that my aunt and uncle paid 3 times each for education all for them finally finding something they want. Their residence and everything was paid for. Everything. And they didn't care if they liked it or not they took it and saw where it went from there.

And hmm why do all the people in Windsor hate any schooling at Windsor????. Well you can't do anything you want in Windsor because you parents and family are here and they won't approve of what you are doing. Just think you can go away for schooling and fucking drink and get high every fucking day and nobody will say a fuckin word. Hell they will probally approve because if everybody hasn't heard, College and University are all about drinking, partying and getting high. Seriously I like partying but there is a time and a place and every night for the most part during college isn't the time nor the place.
And then there's the issue of house parties. Hey I have an idea. Somebody is letting us come into their house so we can have a good time and I'm going to steal and break shit. Wow aren't you fucking cool. Seriously I wish I was as cool and as smart as you are. Fucking retards.

Also I hate fucking society. This is what people think. "Unless you are a fucking skinny bitch with blonde hair and blue eyes you are scum. If you are overweight then you are disgusting and you have to do ANYTHING to lose the weight. Be that liposuction, gastric-bypass, or anything that will help you lose weight as quickly as possible. No matter what the side affects are." Honestly people WHAT THE FUCK. I am not a small guy and if I try to lose weight. Even if I only loose like 2 pounds. I want to be able to say that I did it all on my own not by any medical prodecure or new diet drug. Like we don't have to take enough pills and drugs in our entire lifetime we have to add some more to that list, and more so this drug is to do what??? Oh yeah I forgot, to fix something you can do yourself without the help of medicine. If I want to lose weight then I will and I will do it all on my own. So in the end I am proud of what I've done. Listen meat on your bones doesn't look good but you know what does, when you can see every bone on your body. Like does it feel good to hold onto bones. It's fucking disgusting. If you are skinny and no matter what you do you don't gain weight then oh well. My main point is just be happy with the way you are built. If are aren't happy then try to fix it but do it safely.

This post is not directed towards anybody it's just a rant of mine. (Lauren I swear this is not directed towards you.) I can't stand people bashing on a school I am proud of going to and next year will be proud of graduation from. And in the end we'll see who will have a better job resulting from where they went to school.

I love you Jennifer. I really miss you while waiting for you from your class. XXXXOOOOO
Love you Hunny

p.s You know what else I hate. Girls that wear those big fuzzy boots and roll their jeans to the top of them. Seriously you look like your fucking retarded and don't know how to dress yourself.

I'm Done
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