Havelock Vetinari :: mid-2005 timewarp AU :: Milliways

May 15, 2011 17:35

Havelock still has no idea what this place is, why he keeps opening doors and finding it there waiting, and why he doesn't do the sensible thing and turn around again every time.

It is definitely real, proved by a brief experiment involving a slight cut on the back of his hand that did not disappear on returning to Ankh-Morpork. Following on from that conclusion - it is not safe, however many rules it has in place. He knows all too little about so many patrons - and all too much about some others, though from the research he has done since on the Fair Folk, perhaps he did well to even come out of the conversation alive.

Still, he will never find out why it appears so often if he avoids the place entirely.

And the extra time to read unmolested - theoretically - is most appreciated.

(Student assassin, armchair, textbook.)
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