i can't stop blinking

Jul 15, 2004 21:00

so wow, all week this week i've been volunteering at Kidsgames, a big international thing involving kids 6-14, and they're mostly 6 to about 10. Oh yea, and it starts at 7:15. So I have to get up around 6:30. Ouch.
What Do I do there? Picture a 450 little kids running around screaming, the all of them decide to use me as a jungle gym/punching bag/piece of meat (this one kid bit me about12 hours ago, and there's still a mark) while I try desperately to calm them down. Then coming home being way more wiped than I should be while I can't stop blinking cuz my right eye has been acting all weird ( Moosie, It's a lazy eye I tell you!) and then trying to nap then waking up to go to kung fu and doing crappy cuz i'm too tired to focus.

And I absolutely love it to death.

Something about kids like that make me so happy, I can't wait till I have my own (oh wait, I can cuz I have to). I'm going to give them fun names like Superman and Pajama Sam and Cheeto Papito too. Because that is how much I care as a parent, lol.

Anyways, the Big international closing cermony is tomorrow at T.D. Waterhouse, so if anyone wants to go help out with about a thousand little kids (we're combining with other florida sites) running around and screaming and using you as a jungle gym/punching bag/piece of meat give me a call, cuz it's a lot funner than it sounds, and it's around like 5:30 at nigth instead of 7 in the morning. Yay.

I tried to post a pic of the mark the little guy left on my arm, but apparantly I'm too illiterate to do so, someone help me figure out how and I'll try to get it up.

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