May 06, 2011 03:19
- 12:30:44: I forget how hands on Hubby's family is so nice to have help with the kids. Something I am not use to living so far from family!
- 12:39:58: What I can't get use to is the sadness in my MIL's eyes and in her voice. We all still can't believe FIL is gone. Wonder when it will set in
- 12:43:35: @ MinkyMoo Yes, I moved toddler set behind drivers seat. #iwantaminivan #whoami?
- 13:02:02: Is there such a thing as funeral etiquette? As in, wearing clothing to match the person in the casket? #havenoclue
- 13:44:09: @ MicheleBlu I've always done the all black, dressy bit. Hubby bought clothing to match his dad(shirt,tie). I find it kinda of creepy.
- 14:37:40: @ MicheleBlu Hmmm, yes that seems right. I like the thoughbt of wearing 1 item like that. Never thought about it that way! Thanks!
- 16:08:04: @ muggleglum @angelakussman I think @micheleblu is right, my husband and his brother are doing it as part of their grief.
- 22:11:10: @ sajazz I see you made your goal for Ride to Conquer!! Way to go!
- 22:16:11: There's crazy...and then where my in-law's live..there's backwoods crazy. Seriously. #cantmakethisstuffup
- 22:17:37: @ sajazz You are very welcome!!
- 22:17:59: Wait...@ bloggybootcamp is coming to the #ATL??
- 22:32:13: RT @ SITSGirls @mommythisnthat You read it right. We're coming to the ATL in October ->Suh-weet! Better book a sitter!
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