Mar 19, 2007 23:50
Just thought I'd mention, that tonight for the second time in a row attempting it, I made a white sauce gravy (flour, water, milk, salt, pepper), and some ground turkey, to be poured over bread for the main course of dinner, without burning either pan I used--we're talking stainless-steel (copper-bottom) pans that wash out in less than a minute with no scrubbing. :) Maybe this is no big deal to some of you... but hey; I'm on a roll here: not just the white sauces, which I used to think couldn't be done without burning the pan at least a little bit (until my sudden success a month or so ago), but also various quick and pan breads, and a few other things I've made in the past two months and never once burned anything... so I think I may finally qualify as a "cook." :) Yay.