May 19, 2007 01:20
random rambling # 859023
-at night time my head runs a mile a minute, thought after thought just flooding my poor little head. i have a hard time trying to sort them out, and feel that this part of the reason why i can never fall asleep (typically) when my head hits the pillow.
-this summer (well past few weeks, pre summer i suppose) has taught me that i have no hobbies. truly! how sad is that? I really need to learn to do something fun and exhilirating, because otherwise my days will continue be the same day in and day out.
-each summer i develop a new television show obsession. This summer i have several (bad i know) first- what not to wear on tlc. I have always been a fan, but i have been watching this nearly everyday, oh how i love stacey and clinton. i wish i could go on the show just so i could gain a new stylin' wardrobe and professional hair and makeup. sign me up :)
-the other obsession is criminal investigation shows. I have been watching the law & order's, csi's, forensic files, and without a trace as if it were my job. I have come to the conclusion that with as much air time as these type of shows have on network television, its possible to watch it nearly 24 hours a day.
-i have this gut feeling that i will not be getting a job this summer. I feel like such a lazy bum. I really do not know where else to apply, because its hard to get in somewhere unless you know someone. Plus im kind of restricted to finding something close to home, and theres not much. I know that God will provide, and that things will work out. I just feel so lazy more than anything. Plus i don't think my mom likes the whole not working and sleeping in until noon situation i have going on.
-i miss my bapa. sigh.
-i wish i had motivation to excercise. i honestly think i am the laziest person ever. ever.
-i am going to kalamazoo the first week of june and plan on seeing some of my favorite people in the world :) this makes me very very happy
-i still wish on stars (is that crazy?)
-i am really craving some pineapple pizza right now. mmm.
-i have not been a fan of the bitterly cold weather of late (frost advisory this morning) but i must admit ive enjoyed the crazy thunderstorms we have had :)
-i have finally been able to realize that i hate being by myself. i mean..well..i enjoy having a few hours or so to just do my own thing, watch tv, read a book, relax, but i need to be around people. i think thats why im having a hard time (overall) these past few weeks, because ive been by myself a lot of the time. though i suppose i should get used to it since i'll be living alone in a few short months
-i want to go on a vacation. destination: anywhere.
-i want to go on an adventure ^