here's to starting over

Jan 01, 2007 21:57

Well i must say I was considering taking a break from the livejournal again. Maybe i will, but i figure even my trusty livejournal needs the optimistic new start/new beginnings,new year entry. Have to start the year out on a good note right? Well, currently I am in a very enjoyable mood. I am chalking this up to four things
1) i had an amazing dinner with my mom(i finally had some over due olive garden goodies!) 2) the opportunity to spend time lounging around the house, and not feel guilty about it (i'm sick there's my excuse) 3)I have been blessed with some pretty stellar (yes stellar) friends in my life & 4) Some good old fashioned GOOD tunes. mmm. Never underestimate the power that a good song can have on your mood.

My break has been less than exciting, but in my attempts at optimism I have tried to make it enjoyable. I must say that another mood enhancer can be found in watching hours upon hours of television. I have been spoiled with gilmore girls & family guy on dvd among others. Massive television marathons of course. Eating entire boxes of popsicles have also passed the time. hah.

Sunday I am back to Kalamazoo. I have this anxious mind towards returning. It will be nice to be back in town, but I could use another week or so to adjust to the thoughts of the business that awaits me. However, hopefully this new year [& semester] will find me prioritizing, keeping in touch with those that i care about, maybe shedding a few holiday pounds, and having a rockin' year. Between work, class, and thursday's my life will be full.

& if all goes as planned I will find myself going on a missions trip to New Orleans this spring.
& hopefully taking on the role as an RA come the 2007-2008 school year. So wish me luck during this application process. I'm wondering what I am getting myself into.. haha

So, 2006 you were an interesting year to say the least.
Hopefully 2007 will prove to be an enjoyable, busy, and fulfilling year.
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