onto the new....

Jan 06, 2008 12:32

alright so here is your first new prompts for 2008. since there hasn't been too much in the way of suggestions things are pretty much the same; please single out the prompt in some way- either italics or bold the prompt within your piece and you are welcome to write in any form still unless specified otherwise.

there is pretty much only one change and that'll be the days for the prompts appearing. i much prefer the lazy days; sunday's and wednesdays. sunday will be for the longer prompt [phrase for example] and wednesday the shorter [a word or the quickfire as i'm going to start calling it]. no one needs to participate in anything of course and there will be specifics regarding the use of the prompts with each post.

i'm also looking for input from everyone here for prompts; suggestions for something you guys want to write with/about. if you have a great phrase or word you just want to see used, you can comment it here or on any prompt post and just screen the comment. i hope that there are lots of suggestions in that we have lots of participation!

without further ado the first phrase prompt of 2008 is....

"are but digital phantoms in this world"

phrase prompt 1/08, mod post

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