well today has been very boring. There is no one online. Well anyone that i want to talk to. it feels later than 1:30. I guess it's the fact that I woke up so early cus my sister kept asking me for my cell phone. I played counter-strike for like 2 hours and I called jesus like 5 times but he won't pick up his phone. I really need someone to talk to. Mickey is officially an ass. he called me a racoon? i don't know why...but he did. well he shouldn't be talking. little fag. literally. he went out with nick. ew that is so gross. and jesus said jonny stuck up for me or something? aw he's so nice. I guess he really does love me. I love him so much. Like he's the first boyfriend that I can really trust cus I know he likes me and he wouldn't do anything stupid or pressure me into stuff like cory did. hmm I wish he could come over. SO bored! tehe i'd be fun if he was here. my mom already likes him and she doesn't even know him. it annoys me that my dad calls dean...deano...he doesn't understand that's like a...errrr >< I can't believe nick actually talked to me. so bored
[] About You []
1.What is your name: Laura
2:Your Name Backwards: arual
3.Date of birth: September 26
4.Male or female: I have a vagina! Go me!
5.Astrological sign: Libra
6.Nicknames: Rawr..lol
7.Occupation: Student
8.Height: 5'4
9.Weight: 95
10.Natural Hair color: strawberry blond
11.Natural Eye color: blue
12.Where were you born: Somewhere in Pennsylvania
13.Where do you reside now: Weston
14.Age: 14
15.Screen names: bella muert3
16.E-mail address: iwannriot42@aol.com
17.What does your screen name stand for: a hotel
18.Pets: 3 dogs, 3 birdies, and a snake
19.Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake: 14
20.Piercings: 6
21.Tattoo's: none
22.Shoe size: 7.5
23.Righty or lefty: righty
24.Wearing: ermm a red thong, a bra, a green shirt, and pants..
25.Hearing: fall out boy
26.Feeling: Sick/tired/lonely/depressed
27.Eating/drinking: Diet coke
[] Love and Relationships []
28.Have you ever been in love: Yeah
29.How many people have you said "I love you" to: like a buttload, but I mean it with Jonny and I use to with Deano
30.How many people have you been in love with: 2
31.How many people have you kissed: like 2
32.Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex: yes
33.How many people have you dated: 7
34.What do you look for in a guy/girl: someone I’m really comfortable with, loves me no matter what, and is really cute and funny =]
35.What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: Hair
36.What type of guy/girl do you usually go for: I don’t know
37.Do you have a crush right now: yes
38.If so who is it: Jonny!
39.Do you believe in love at first sight: No
40.Do you remember your first love: Yeah of course.
41.Who is the first person you kissed: Cory
42.Do you believe in fate: Sure.
43.Do you believe in soul mates: Kind of.
44.If so do you believe you'll ever find yours: Maybe.
[] Family []
45.How many siblings do you have: 3.
46.What are your parents names: Lynn and Michael.
47.What are your siblings names: Katharine, Ben, Jessica.
48.How many siblings does your mother have: 1.
49.How many siblings does your father have: 2.
50.Where are your parents from: Georgia, North Carolina.
51.Is your family close: No.
52.Does your family get together for holidays: No.
53.Do you have a drunk uncle: Yeah.
54.Any medical problems run through your family: Yeah.
55.Does someone in your family wear a toupee: No.
56.Do you have any nieces or nephews: No.
57.Are your parents divorced: No.
58.Do you have step parents: No.
59.Has your family ever disowned another member of your family: Yes.
60.Did some of your family come to America from another country: A long time ago yeah..
[] Music Stuff []
61. What song do you swear was written about you or your life: There's a lot.
62.What's the most embarrassing cd you own: I don’t know
63.What's the best cd you own: I don’t know.
64.What song do you absolutely hate: Lean back mofo.
65.Do you sing in the shower: Yes.
66.What song reminds you of that special someone: I don’t know.
[] Name An Artist And You Give A Lyric From Any One Of Their Songs []
67.Pink: Where I can run, as fast as I can, to the middle of nowhere.
68.Aerosmith: Dude looks like a lady
69.Madonna: Like a virgin, touched for the very first time.
70.Korn: I don’t know.
71.Backstreet Boys: Quit playing games with my heart
72.The Beatles: I don’t know
73.Sublime: Lovin' is what I got.
74.J.Lo: Cause I'm still i'm still Jenny from the block
75.*Nsync: It's tearn' up my heart when i'm with you.
76.Limp Bizkit: I'll eat you alive.
77.Stacie Orrico: I don’t know.
78.Creed: I don’t know.
79.Britney Spears:hit me baby, one more time.
80.Good Charlotte: Say anything say anything, Please don't walk away, You know i'm here to stay.
81.Christina Aguilera: Gonna get dirrty!
82.Eminem: Fuck that shit bitch eat a mother fuckin’ dick chew on a brick and lick a million mother fucking cocks per second.
83.Kelly I don’t know
84.Kelly Osbourne: SHUT UP!
85.Mandy Moore: I don’t know.
86.Eve: Drop your glasses, shake yo asses face screwed up like ya haveing hott flashes. Which one, pick one, this one classic.
87.Aaliyah: I don’t know.
88.Nelly: hey yo now that im a fly guy in a fly high nigga’s wanna, know why, why fly by hey you it’s all good. Do me like you should fuck me good suck me good.
89.Alicia Keys: I don’t know
90.Incubus: theres something about the look in your eyes something that I notice when the light was just right reminded me twice that I was still alive and it reminded me that your so worth the fight.
91.Color: Green and Grey
92.Food: Fries
93.Song: Not sure there’s lots
94.Show: South Park or something
95.School subject: none
96.Band/singer/artist: The used, zeromancer, my chemical romance, blindside, avenged sevenfold, FFTL, FATA, underoath some others I can’t think of..
97.Animal: Wolves.
98.Outfit: I dont have a favorite.
99.Radio station: I don’t know
100.Movie: Billy Madison.
101.Pair of shoes: I only wear one.
102.Cartoon: South Park
103.Actor: Adam Sandler + Leonardo Decapero
104.Actress: None.
105.Potato chip: I don’t know.
106.Drink: Water
107.Soda: diet Coke.
108.Holiday: Christmas
109.Perfume/cologne: I don’t know.
110.Pizza topping: Pineapple and ham
111.Jello flavor: I think the green is pretty…
112.Lunch meat: Turkey or Ham
113.Card Game: strip Poker ;]
114.Website: GJ or LJ.
115.Book: Cut, Rainbow boys
116.Computer game: Tetris, counter-strike, half life, WoW, Sims 2
117.Number: 5
118.Cereal: errm I don’t know
119.Comedian: I don’t know
120.Dessert: ice cream!
121.Disney character: Lion King.
122.Clothing store: I don’t know.
123.Past time: summer of 04’.
124.Teacher: I don’t know
125.Childhood toy: lol my n64!
126.Carnival game/ride: I have a sensitive stomach, very sensitive...
127.Candy bar: Zero Bar.
128.Magazine: Dont know.
129.Salad dressing: Ranch.
130.Thing to do on the weekend: Hang out with my cool people.
131.Hot drink: Hot chocolate.
132.Season: Winter.
133.Sport to watch: Football.
134.Person to talk to on the phone: Jonny, Jesus, and deano.
[] Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits []
135.What color are your sheets: White.
136.What color are your bedroom walls: Green.
137.Do you have posters on your wall: Yeah.
138.If so of what: The Used, Incubus and other pictures.
1391.Do you have a TV in your bedroom: Yeah
140.How many pillows are on your bed: 5
141.What do you normally sleep in: PJ pants, cami, hoodie.
142.Describe your favorite pair of pajamas: my plaid ones.
143.What size bed do you have: Full.
144.Do you have a waterbed/bunk bed/daybed: Just a regular one I want a waterbed though.
145.Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom: No.
146.Describe the last nightmare you had: Dont remember.
147.Do you sleep with stuffed animals: yes.
148.How many people can comfortably sleep comfortably in your bed: Like 2.
149.Do you sleep in any unusual positions: Not that I know of.
149.Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling: No.
150.Do you snore: Not that I know of.
151.How about drool: Doesn’t everyone?
152.Do you have an alarm clock in your room: Yeah, my cell.
153.What color is the carpet in your room: Tan.
154.What's under your bed: A box and some other stuff.
[] This or That []
155.loser/wannabe: Loser.
156.Doughnuts/bagels: Bagels.
157.Day/night: Night.
158.Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west: East.
159.Heaven/hell: Heaven
160.Make love/have sex: Make love.
161.Coffee/tea: Coffee.
162.Hamburgers/hotdogs: Hamburgers.
163.Rap/rock: Both.
164.Britney/Christina: Christina.
165.Swiss cheese/American cheese: American
166.Real World/Road Rules: Real World
167.Backstreet Boys/*Nsync: *Nysnc
168.Silver/gold: Silver.
169.Nike/Adidas: Nike.
170.McDonalds/Taco Bell: Mcdonalds.
171.Sweet/sour: Sour.
172.Punk/emo: Both.
173.Hot/cold: Hot weather. Hot showers.
174.Winter/summer: Winter.
175.Spring/fall: Fall.
176.Operas/plays: Plays.
177.Read/watch TV: TV.
178.Cd's/tapes: Cd's
179.Dvd's/vhs: Dvd.
180.Old/new: Both.
181.jeans/skirts: Jeans.
182.Pink/red: Both.
183.Colored pictures/black and white photos: Black and white.
184.Meat/vegetables: Veggies.
185.Mexican food/Chinese food: Mexican
186.Commercials/infomercials: Commercials.
187.Scary movies/comedies: Both.
188.Bikinis/one piece bathing suits: Bikinis.
189.Sandals/tennis shoes: Sandals.
190.Dogs/cats: Dog.
191.Unicorns/fairies: fairies.
192.Water/land: Land.
193.Sugar/spice: Sugar.
194.Black/white: Black.
195.ribbons/bows: Ribbons
196.Chicken/beef: Chicken
197.Colored Christmas light/regular white Christmas lights: White lighted X-mas.
198.Cars/trucks: Cars.
199.Austin Powers/James Bond: James Bond.
200.Popcorn/pretzels: Pretzels.
201.Hip/hop: Hip.
202.Passionate kiss/peck: Both.
203.WWE wrestling/ real wrestling: Real.
204.Back rub/foot massage: Back.
205.Picture frames/photo albums: Picture frames.
206.Pens/pencils: Pens.
[] What Do You Hear When Theses Names Come Up []
207. Jack: and Sally.
208.Tiffany: nothing.
209.Nicky: The hot quarter back lmao.
210.Maria: big mouth.
211.Jennifer: Aniston
212.Nicole: Kidman.
213.Amy: my ass.
214.Adam: Howard.
215.Richard: Alex Richards.
216.Justin: Timberlake.
217.Arnold: beefy.
218.Tom: Hanks.
219.Melissa: my teacher.
220.Charlotte: Good.
221.Harold: ew.
222.John: Cunningham.
223.Joel: GC
224.Vanessa: TRL
225.Michelle: ew.
226.Kevin: kevy.
227.Brent: Brett.
228.Jake: is a hottie.
229.Billy: GC
230.Sarah: a whore.
231.Natalie: yay Natalie my bestest friend ever
232.Christy: I don’t know.
233.Nick: hottie
234.Linda: Dont know
235.Taylor: I don’t know.
236.Jordan: kathy.
237.Jamie: cheerleader.
238. Adrian: I don’t know.
[] Have You Ever []
239.Mooned anyone: lol, I think so.
240.Been on a diet: Nope.
241.Been to a foreign country: No.
242.Broken a bone: Yes.
243.Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling: No.
244.Swear at a teacher: Yes, I got a detention for that in 2nd grade.
245.Got in a fight: Yes.
246.Dated a teacher: No.
247.Laughed so hard you peed your pants: Not that I remember.
248.Thought about killing your enemy: Yes haha.
249.Gone skinny dipping: Yes.
250.Told a little white lie: yes?
251.Told a secret you swore not to tell: Yes.
252.Stolen anything: Yeah.
253.Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid: I think.
254.Been on TV: Yes.
255.Been on the radio: No.
256.Been in a mosh pit: No.
257.Been to a concert: Yes.
258.Dated one of your best friends: Kind of
259.Loved someone so much it made you cry: Yeah.
260.Deceived somebody close to you: Uh.
361.Came close to dying: I almost got hit.
362.Cheated on a bf/gf: not getting into that.
363.Gave someone a piggy back ride: Yeah.
364.Terrorized a babysitter: No.
365.Made a mud pie: No.
366.Had a dream that you're falling off a cliff: Yeah.
367.Snuck out of the house at night: Yes.
368.Been so drunk you don't remember your name: No.
369.Had an eating disorder: No
370.Felt like you didn't belong: Yeah.
371.Felt like the 3rd wheel: Yeah.
372.Smoked: No.
373.Done drugs: No
374.Been arrested: No.
375.Had your tonsils removed: Nope.
376.Gone to camp: Yeah.
377.Won a bet: Yes.
378.Written a love letter: No.
379.Gone out of your way to be with the one you love: Yeah.
380.Written a love poem: No.
381.Kissed in the rain: No. But I really want to.
382.Slow danced with someone you love: No.
383.Participated in cyber sex: Yes, joking around.
384.Faked an orgasm: As a joke.
385.Stolen a kiss: No.
386.Asked a friend for relationship advice: Yes.
387.Had a friend steal your bf/gf: No.
388.Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love: No. I want to really bad though.
389.Gotten a speeding ticket: No.
390.Done jail time: No.
391.Had to wear a uniform to work: No.
392.Won a trophy: Yeah.
393.Thrown up in public: I think.
394.Bowled a perfect game: Psh. Nope.
395.Failed/got held back: Failed.
396.Got perfect attendance in grade school: No.
397.Roasted pumpkin seeds: Yes.
398.Taken ballet lessons: No.
399.Attempted suicide: No.
400.Cut yourself: Uhm.
[]Childhood Stuff[]
401.Did you play with Babies: babies?
402.Did you own Treasure Trolls: I used to.
403.Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210: Yeah
404.Did you play Simon Says: Yeah I love that game!
405.Did you watch Fraggle Rock: uhm No.
406.Did you wet the bed: lol yeah.
407.Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed: Heck yes.
408.Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them: No.
409.Were you shy: Yeah.
410.Were you spoiled: No.
411.Were you abused: No.
412.Did you go to the circus: Yeah.
413.Did you go to the zoo: Yeah.
414.Were you in a car accident: Yeah.
415.Did you build snowmen: Yeah.
416.Did you cry when you scraped your knee: Yup.
417.Were your older cousins mean to you: Ryannnn grrr.
418.Did you think slinkiest were cool: Slinkys? Yeah.
419.Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer: Yes.
420.Were you afraid of the dark: Yes. still am.
421.Did you have slumber parties: Yeah.
422.Did you have New Kids On The Block sheets, sleeping bags, dolls: No.
423.Did you tease your hair out like Tiffany: no.
424.Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy: Yeah.
425.Do you believe in aliens: No.
426.Name three things that are next to your computer: My snake, cell phone, pills.
427.Do you have any hidden talents: Uhm No.
428.Do you wish MTV would play music videos: No.
429.If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be: Scary.
430.What would your movie star name be: Psh. My name duh.
431.Do/Did you play any sports: Yeah, Swimming.
432.What's the scariest movie you've ever seen: I don’t know.
433.What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently: lord of the rings.
434.What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen: Darkness.
435.Do you drive: Nope.
436.What is your dream car: Audi or something.
437.Do you think your good looking: No.
438.Do others think you are good looking: I don’t know?
439.Would you ever sky dive: No.
440.Do you believe in Bigfoot: Haha. No.
441.How many rooms do you have in your house: Like 9?
442.Are you afraid of roller coasters: Yes.
443.Do you believe in God: Yeah.
444.Do you believe in Satan: No.
445.Do you believe there is a heaven: Sorta.
446.Do you believe there is a hell: No.
447.Do you own a pool table: No.
448.Do you have a pool: No.
449.Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen: Yeah.
450.Do you like chocolate: yes.
451.Who/what is on your 2005 calendar: I don’t have one.
452.How many U.S. states have you been to: like 40
453.Ever wished on a shooting star: Yeah.
454.Best Halloween costume you ever wore: Uhm None. lol They are all gay.
455. Do you carry any weapons on you: No.
456.What is your weakness: Jonny lol.
457.Name something you can't get enough of: Music.
458. Describe yourself in 3 adjectives: shy, quiet, ugly. lols
459.How many kids do you want to have: 1 or none
460.Future daughters names: Sky or something
461.Future sons names: Jack, Nick, Kyle
462.What is your ideal way to die: Non-painful, in my sleep.
463.How do you release stress: Playing DDR.
464.Do you consider yourself a trendy person: Sure why not.
465.Are you an artistic person: HAHA NO!
466.Are you a realistic person?: Uh sure?
467.Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off?: Psh. No.
468.Are you a strong person: Not really.
469.Are you a strong willed person: Uhm no.
470.Who is the last person to e-mail you: I don’t know
471.Who is the last person to IM you: Chris
472.Do you hate chain e-mails: Yes.
473.Are you a deep sleeper: Lol, Yeah
474.Are you a good story teller: Psh No.
475.What do you believe is your best quality: I don't know.
476.What is your greatest accomplishment: Uh.
477.Do you like to burn candles or incense: Burning candles.
478.Do you do yoga: No.
479.Do you have your own credit card: No.
480.Let's say you win the lotto. What do you do with all that money?: Shop till I drop
481.Do you have a check book: No.
482.Do you like your drivers license: I don't know yet.
483.Do you tan easily: No.
485.How many fillings do you have: 2.
486.How many cavities did you have at your last dentist visit: 2.
487.Worst feeling in the world?: A broken heart.
488.Best feeling in the world: Love.
489.Is the glass half empty or half full: Half empty
490.Last thing you downloaded: I don’t know.
491.Do you catch yourself using online terms in your real life?: No.
492.What do you think people think of you: They think I’m a raccoon.
493.Are you a likeable person: I guess.
494.Do you need therapy: Yes.
495.Do you take medication for a chemical imbalance: Yes.
496.What the best way to be proposed to: Somewhere romantic like when the sunsets or some shit like that.
497.If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge would they call it FED UP: Yes.
499.When are you moving: After 9th grade.
500.What's your favorite phrase: I don’t know.