Oct 01, 2003 21:42
Okay so we see a pattern of me not writing in this thing anymore. I vow to write more, and then I forget about it or don't feel like it. But I'll try harder, since at least one person cares to read what I write in here.
I'm still with Red Lobster and Target. At Red Lobster I'm learning more and more job functions... like how to make lobster pizzas, shrimp scampi, bacon wrapped scallops, and I even cracked a live lobster. It's painless... I hold its tail so it doesn't scratch the hell outta me and I use a butcher knife to stab it one hard time in a soft spot, immediately killing it. Then I have to make one clean crack down its stomach-area (no defined stomach)... and it just splits to be stuffed. Yum yum. I'm the baker though. I'm getting a lot better at it too. I bake the cheddar bay bread and the snow capped baked potatos. I set up all my potato trays right when I come in and that gives me a lot of time to make mah bangin bread. A lot of the servers have complemented me. YAY!
And at Target, my cashiering skills are picking up. I'm getting better at telling our guests about our Target Visa card that saves you 10% off that day's purchase plus loaded benefits and savings to come! See??? lol
Okay so we had a hurricane a couple weeks ago. People still are running around trying to fix everything. It took a week to get out electricity back. We have one tree left standing in our yard and two half-trees that were split in half. A chunk of our siding is missing too. Oh and by the chimney, our brick cracked. Thanks, Isa-hell.
Rebecca, who is a girl I fell for, just called me. She's going to college in Ohio. I miss her so much. I thought we had something, but then she left. I still think about it and about her a lot. Listen for the sound of my heart breaking...
Okay I can't write anymore right now.