(no subject)

Apr 12, 2006 17:50

SHORT TERM GOALS(updated 4/20/06)
-Finish last tie for Ashby
-$50 weekly payment
-read Alice in Wonderland
- the 18th, play on Broadway
-Mom's bday on the 15th*
-pay off speeding ticket(s)*
-find another job*
-decide what im going to do for summer
-research heart murmurs*
-buy Memories of a Geisha*
-pay off c.c.
-collect weeks pay*
-pickup pay check Friday(?) or Monday*
-take off tintned windows*
-fix brake light*
-fix "check engine" light
-wash windows off w ammonia
-work on Do This For Me
-start going to the gym again
-Purchase books on philosophy(Plato, Aristotle, author of "Why I'm not a Christian)
-Start planning college visitations

LONG TERM GOALS Updated 10/26/10
-clean room
-search for colleges outside of the northeastern terr.
-Save up $$$
-learn how to organize my time
-give dad another chance*
-start playing the guitar again
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