Feb 05, 2006 22:05

It's been absolutely forever since I've written in this thing..I dont really intend people to read i won't put a link on my profile..this is mainly just for me to get my thoughts out on paper..or whatever you wanna call it.
I spent this weekend with some girls I haven't really hung out with in a really long time..and I LOVED it..they are some of the goofiest, most fun people to be around..but I can also have serious conversations with them..and that's what I love about it. It was a good way to end my week..being that this week has just been really hard. I've felt really lonely, friendless even. I feel like some of my friends just aren't that into hanging out with me anymore..and that hurts alot. For the past week my only real source of comfort was youth group..and my own personal kind of reflection time. I still feel kind of best friend is in Raleigh..and I hate not being able to see her as often as I'd like. I'm scared about prom..excited..but still scared..I hate not knowing who I'm gonna go with, but I'm just gonna let whatever happens happen..I know it's stupid to worry about it now..but i feel like everyone is already talking about it.a.nd that worries me to an extent.. I also am stressed about finding out from colleges..just in general..that's pretty self explanatory. I realize how much I will miss my family..I'll miss doing goofy stuff with my sister. I'll miss my brother even though he's annoying. I'll miss my goofy mom, and my dad's dry sense of humor. I'll miss my dog's sweet face and the way she greets me when I walk through that door after a tough day. I probably won't miss my cat...that much..he's kind of mean..but when he's nice I'll miss him. I'll miss my big room, my HUGE bed. my millions of random posters and pictures on my car rosemary, despite the whistling noise she makes when i drive her. Undoubtedly I will miss my friends. They have made high school much more than tolerable and have been there for me through thick and thin. I'll miss cross country, track, and Coach T. I will miss the promenade and the countless nights I spent lying in the middle of the grass just chilling mainly with sarah. I will miss all of the relationships I've formed here, and I'm not sure I want to give all of it up. But I know when the time comes..I will have to. I've just got to prepare myself for it.

that's all for now..
Much love<3
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