We got Nicky home about midnight on Sunday night. It has been very rough. I am constantly on edge and worried about him. I feel so bad for him. I wish he didn't have to go through this. He's such a good boy. He's such a sweet dog. I love him so much. He is slowly doing things more "Nick like" and he's getting stronger. We have to watch him very closely for awhile here. Since about 10-12% of dogs get this again, I know I will never ever leave him alone again. You have to be there when it happens. I hope and pray he doesn't get another episode. He is such a good, good boy. I love him so much. Like I said, it's been tough. But, I'll do anything and everything I can to make him feel happy and more comfortable. Puck is being such a trooper through this. I have the most amazing dogs in the world. I love them more than anything. I take Nick in for a check up on Friday, the 8th of July, at 9:30am. Here are some pictures from the last few days. Please continue to keep Nick in your thoughts and prayers.
This first set is from the night Nicky came home. The bandage is from where his IV and cathater were.
This set is from July 4th. The day after Nicky came home.