May 16, 2008 16:41

So I'm home, back in La Porte. I can't decide what is the better scenario: being in boring Huntsville surrounded by lots of friends and music but having to go to school OR spending my summer in boring La Porte with very few friends, which are usually too busy working or doing other things to see me. Hmmm. Curious. Oh well. I'm just glad that I am done with classes right now. That's all I care about. Man, This year has been intense. I didn't know things could change so much during a year, that people could change so much. Well, school turned out great for me. Lots of drama might have happened/is happening in my life but I got through it and came out on top. I think I might have gotten another 4.0 this semester; I really hope so! And I totally rocked my jury so that is good. Now I have to focus on all the new music he assigned me. Lame. Oh well. At least it's not Elgar. I'm actually excited to be starting new literature.

So I'm home. Sitting here. I can't wait until my internship starts. It is with the American Festival of the Arts in Houston, its a sumer music program. I start June 4 and it last 7 weeks and I get paid $300 a week. That's pretty good. So I get about two weeks off now to rest and....ummm....relax? I guess. Nothing else to do.

Andddd I don't know if I should take summer classes or not as well. Cause then almost everyday I'll have work from 8am-4pm and then go to class from 6-9pm. ALL SUMMER. Agh. Seems crazy. Maybe I'll pass on summer school. We'll see.

Oh, and I'm going to Missouri in August for a few days to study with this awesome cello professor at UMKC. I'm really excited.

Hmmmm. I should practice some more. Somebody needs to come and save me. Sweep me off my feet. Take me away. Make me forget about all this shit in my life.

Let's take a trip to Pleasant Valley Roooooad in Santa Rooooosa. Please?
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