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arabian March 19 2011, 17:01:34 UTC
Pairing: Damon/Elena

Prompt: She'd never understood the connection between feeding and sex; then again, she'd only offered a pinprick, a thin line of blood before this moment.


Thin Lines | Damon/Elena | PG-13 thewordmap March 19 2011, 17:30:17 UTC
"How does it feel?" She asks. He doesn't answer (at least not right away). He takes her face between his hands and tilts it to one side. She feels his breath on her neck and wishes ( ... )


Re: Thin Lines | Damon/Elena | PG-13 arabian March 19 2011, 17:52:35 UTC
Too much to hope for non-angst at this point, LOL! This was fantastic; you really captured a mood beautifully in such a short fic. Brava! Thanks for taking this one on. :)


Re: Thin Lines | Damon/Elena | PG-13 thewordmap March 19 2011, 18:28:47 UTC
Aw, haha. Thank you! I love angst :P


Re: Thin Lines | Damon/Elena | PG-13 midnightblack07 March 20 2011, 05:45:05 UTC
This was brilliant!!
So many bits of it I loved...

He brushes her hair aside and the touch of his fingertips makes her shiver. He would smile (he once enjoyed teasing his girls) but he loves her too much to tease her.

this part was especially sweet, just *melts* and I loved the little bit of forshadowing with her wanting to never forget his scent only to have him wipe her memory of what took place at the end; very angsty and beautifully done (y)=)


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