Apr 08, 2003 18:28
if only boyfriends could ALWAYS be this nice. and if only i could
get a email like this everyday..the life of having a boyfriend would be
the best.. unfortunitly this only happens once in a while.. but he totally just
made my night ! <3
so today rj and mike were talking about how hot rehannon is and she is
amazing. and i was thinking i wonder if her bf thinks that. because they
want her soo bad. but i was thinking about it with you. how everyone wants
you. and how i am going out with you but its not like i crazy obsessive over
you. i am but not like someone like pat or tom where they wanted you so bad
that they would do anything but i would too.but i think you know what i
mean. but i was thinking about it and i was thinking i dont tell her how
much she really means to me and how much i love her and that i am soo happy
that she is with me and i love every second of the day with her. and i
wanted to tell you this now because i dont do it enough. i love you more
then anything and thank you for making me have the best life ever and giving
me something to life for. love forever corey
- - - -
i think ill go dance around my room in happyness now.