well since my pencam is a shitcam..
here are the results of what i could get that was SEMI visible.
its horrible but its a cat head..and a dog and a cat..
zoe = dog.
jesse = kitten
..this morning, the cat jumped on the birdcage..it fell one bird got out.
the others head was wedged inbetwee 2 bars...screaming.
i popped its head thru,..all thou i thought it would die anyway..
i thought great its going to die, right in front of me..fuck.
it was horrible, the other one.. was stuck under the slidng door track
and the carpet..i got q-tips to pry it out.. then, once i held her she
flew away and all of her tail feathers fell to the ground, she ripped her tail
right off.. then, once the tail-less beast was stuck between the cabnite and
the wall..i cupped it into my hand and the mother fucker bit me.
in the end..the cage was repaired..the food and water and shit..vaccumed.
and my thumb is fine... fucker bit me.
im all dressed for a funeral now, my grandpas mom died.
we are driving all the way to fucking Toms River, Nj.
corey looks hot in his suit <3, and i look like poo because these black stockings
have the fucking SHINE gloss shit..tint..and its embarssing. what am i? 10?
yeah..so im trying to strech them out a lot to get the shine to fade..uhg.
alright.. im fucking out of here..at 10:50 am.