(name) Benjamin
(do you like it?) what does it matter. ist stuck.
(nicknames) ben, thomas
(screen names) mtlca89
(age) 20
(birthday) November 2nd, 1983
(sign) Scorpio
(location) Delray Beach
(school) FAU/PBCC
(natural hair color) blonde
(current hair color) blonde
(eye color) blue
(height) 5'11''
(birthplace) boynton beach, florida
(shoe size) 11
[ family ]
(parents) John and Peggy
(siblings) Noah
(live with) Mom and Brother
(favorite relative) cousin josh
[ favorites ]
(number) 13
(color) black
(day) im quite fond of sundays for some reason
(month) december through february
(song) jet black new year - thursday, so strange i remember you - thrice, jimmy tango's method - every time i die, match like memory - recover, three libras - a perfect circle
(movie) Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
(food) pb&j
(band) ETID, Thrice, Recover
(season) winter
(sport) golf to play, baseball to watch
(class) none, school is horrible.
(teacher) Mr. Saint
(drink) regular caffienated coca cola
(veggie) i dont eat vegetables.
(tv show) american chopper, conan, seinfeld
(radio station) havent had the radio on ever in my car
(store) Merch booths and random fashionable clothing stores
(phrase) "stfu."
(animal) bears
(flower) carnations, roses
(state) new york, hawaii
[ this or that ]
(me/you) you!
(coke/pepsi) coke
(day/night) night.
(aol/aim) aim
(cd/cassette) cd
(dvd/vhs) dvd
(jeans/khakis) jeans
(car/truck) car
(tall/short) short
(lunch/dinner) dinner
(NSYNC/BSB) 98 degress bitch.
(britney/christina) i think christina is better
(gap/old navy) gap, well banana republic/j crew (if i had 90 bucks for a shirt.)
(lipstick/lipgloss) lipgloss
(silver/gold) silver.
(alcohol/weed) fuck. neither.
[ the past ]
(what is the one thing you would change about your past?) speaking up.
(what is the biggest mistake you've made in your life?) not speaking up.
(last thing you heard) tbs is on now.
(last thing you saw) the screen ive been looking at since i got out of bed.
(last thing you said) "ok. thanks"
(who is the last person you saw?) noah
(who is the last person you fought with?) i dont know
(who is the last person you were on the phone with?) some guy from fau.
(what is the last TV show you saw?) futurama last night.
(what is the last song you heard?) timberwolves at new jersey
[ have you ever ]
(drank?) yes.
(smoked?) yes.
(stolen?) yes.
(done anything illegal?) umm, steal, duh.
(wanted to die?) yes.
(hit someone?) sure. im hXc motherfucker.
[ other ]
(do you write in cursive or print?) print.
(are you a lefty or a righty?) righty
(what is your sexual preference?) girlies
(what piercings do you have?) none.
(do you drive?) yes. like a maniac.
(do you have glasses or braces?) glasses
(did you like this survey?) i dont like any surveys.
[ physical appearance ]
(what do you most like about your body?) nothing at all.
(and least?) everything.
(how many fillings do you have?) 1 or 2
(do you think you're good looking?) no.
(do other people often tell you that you're good-looking?) no.
(do you look like any celebrities?) no.
[ misc. questions ]
(do you like school?) no.
(do you like to talk on the phone?) no.
(do you have your own phone line?) no.
(can we have your number?) YES. 5617023461
(do you like to dance?) fuck yeah.
(are you scared to ask out your crush?) like you wouldnt believe.
(do you think cheering is a sport?) if they want to cheer. cheer it up. ill be watching. haha.
[ in the last 24 hours, have you... ]
(cried?) no.
(helped someone?) yes.
(bought something?) yes.
(gotten sick?) no.
(gone to the movies?) no.
(gone out to dinner) no.
(said "I love you"?) no.
(written a real letter?) no.
(moved on?) no. nothing to move on from.
(talked to an ex?) no.
(missed an ex?) no.
(written in a journal?) LJ bitch.
(had a serious talk?) yes, i suppose so.
(missed someone?) I always miss somebody.
(hugged someone?) yeah.
(fought with your parents?) no.
(fought with a friend?) no.
[ do you..... ]
(wear eye shadow?) not anymore, really.
(put on a "front"?) no.
(kiss on the first date?) sure.
(have a crush on someone?) no.
(eat with your mouth open?) ew, no.
(if you got a tattoo, where would you get it, and what would it be?) doves facing eachother on my back. the countdown from jet black, really small...somewhere.
(what color is your floor/carpet in your room?) biege.
(what was the last CD you bought?) vanity
(how did you spend last summer?) hung out.
(when's the last time you showered?) yesterday.
(are you tired?) yes.
(are you lonely?) at the moment. yes.
(are you happy?) most of the time.
holy long survery batman.
< ben 3.