Nov 19, 2007 22:17
For Thanksgiving this year, we are headed to Colorado. This is in lieu of doing Colorado and Texas both at Christmas like I did last year. Until now, we've never usually done much for T-day...before last year, we always either traveled (just fun travel, not to family for a big celebration or anything) or had visitors travel to visit us. But now I feel like both sides of the family should get to see Lyle each holiday season, and traveling to both places in one trip, like I did last year, would be too much this year with Lyle older. (I'd have to do half the trip by myself again, and that's way tougher now than when he was an immobile 6-month-old.)'s Dallas's year for Xmas, so we're going to Colorado this week. We fly out on Wednesday morning and back on Monday night. Jeff's mom bought Lyle a winter coat and mittens. I need to go buy him some shoes tomorrow--all he has are Robeez, which are too thin for real winter weather.
I am so excited to meet the two new cousins. Jack is now 8 months old and Addie is 3 months old. It will also be Lyle's first time being around kids much younger than him.
I can't wait to feel the cool, crisp air, to see all our relatives on Thursday, hang out, eat, sip wine, catch up with everyone, play with all the kids. I am excited for Jeff's mom to get to see Lyle again (and she is *seriously* excited about seeing him). We are even managing to see a few friends while we're there. I can't wait!!