Aug 02, 2004 18:17
i took a nap at courtneys house today. after eating salad and discussing the irony of getting annoyed with ashlee simpson, but being in love with jessica.
i think i got a new job. we'll hafta see on thursday. im not exactly clear on why im going back... an interview? an employment meeting? who knows.
went to the library with a list of 3 books. none of them were available. lame. got a different one. RunCatchKiss. it sounded really cute... a jewish girl who wants to be an actress but gets hired on as a columnist to write sex stories about failed relationships. eh. not sure if i like it yet.
after reading nicholas sparks like a maniac (500pgs in one day) ive decided to make it a goal to finish one book every WEEK. i figure ive got a ton more time on my hands now that i have half days and ive always wanted to read as many books as possible from the library.
i really wanna read The Wedding by nicholas sparks. its the sequel to the notebook. about the old peoples kids love lives. unfortunately it could never be made into a real sequel movie cuz in the book of the notebook, noah and allie dont die.
paul brown is a raging sexpot and i cant wait to lay eyes on him.
i wore my new shirt today. Man cannot live on bread alone. (unless hes in a cage and that's all you feed him.)
saw matt in the hall. he was nice today. made fun of me having to carry around my guitar. which btw i think is ruining the alignment of my back. its making me lean lopsided while i walk and my back feels strained. massages, anyone??
this is a boring entry. as most of them are :)
i will see you guys tomorrow! <3