(no subject)

Apr 02, 2004 10:04

The BEST quiz...

whats the best soda? dr pepper
food? pasta
color? green
age? 6
tv show? american idol
movie? the breakfast club/the sandlot
(your best) friend? lauren
class? english/pe
job? hmmmmm...money makin' booty shakin!
person to marry? RYAN BANKS! ha...just kidding...i duno bout that one
place to live? new york
color to wear in spring? white
song to listen to when your sad? dashboard
song to listen to when your happy? mae-last call/tsl-cheek to cheek
song to cuddle to? don't have too much experiance :/
car? one of those mini shitty but oh so illy cars catherine rug has
book? harry potter/night
Cd player? uhhhh whatever pumps the jams
web site? el jay...duh
state? montana, where dreams come troooooo
paper clip color? neon yellow
place to have seX? EvErYwHeRe/elevator
place to socialize? club/movies to piss people off
place to go when your sad? my room
school? wizzest tatnuck
college? harvard, duh. but at umass you can take ultimate frisbee as a course! yey.
comedian? don't listen to too much comedy
actor? i will always and forever love robin williams <3
actress? uh...whatever, they all have good and sucky moments
singer? hmmmmmm
group? too many!
band? echo echo echo echo in herre?
rnb group? no thanks.
rapper? eminemizzle...ha, SNOOP! jk i really dont listen to too much rap
metal group? REBELLLL! again, whatever i duno
idol judge? simon, duh...he's the entire show
season? spring
fast food place? taco bell/kfc (it's heaven when they're together haha)
snack? vanilla ice cream popsicles
thing to do? DANCE
game system (n64, ps2, nintendo2 etc) n64...old school mario

The 6 Quiz

if you had to save just 6 people who would they be?
1 lauren
2 my mom
3 my dad
4 my brother
5 my grandma
6 wow, this is hard...prob a guy not in my fam so we could repopulate hahaha

If you had to take 6 things on an island what would they be
1 a vibrator (whoa!)
2 food
3 a celli
4 water
5 music/headphones
6 a laptop

if you had to watch 6 shows for the rest of your live what would they be
1 degrassi
2 bliss (hehe)
3 that 70's show
4 who's line
5 american idol
6 the oc

If you had to listen to just 6 bands/singers/groups for the rest of your life who would they be?
1 fairweather
2 dashboard
3 mae
4 taking back sunday
5 fairweather
6 brand new

6 friends you cant live without of the same sex
1 lauren.

The ONE quiz

Your One Best friend..
1 Lauren

one person you would marry
1 uhhhhhhh...him.

One thing you would make sure you dont forget on your round trip to zimbabwae
1 to pee before getting on the plane ;)

One thing you regret
1 just one?

One thing you will never regret
1 the summer of '03

One Person who made the biggest impact on your life

One reason that wake up each day
1 to live.
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