Not just shopping

Jun 11, 2005 02:01

Alright, 'fess up: how much would you pay for 10 pieces of clothing?

Shopping was not on my cards today and yet, evidence points to the contrary. I bumped into a cousin while selecting clothes at a newfound label and told her how amazed I was that I liked so many of the designs. She says, "Yeah, it's so you!" (which in this case, could probably be described as vintage/bohemian/shabby chic)

I saw some sweet-looking labels, but didn't want to be accused of deceiving the public. ;p

Anne was shocked by what appeared to be impulsive spending on my part.

She and Von Bing make a good couple; they've been married for about 5 years and seem happier together than apart. Von Bing has a wry sense of humour, often carried to corny extremes. Fortunately, he can make intelligent conversation. Anne tunes out whenever we start discussing local current affairs and is much more at home with pottery, which she does well.

We had a decent vegetarian dinner at Just Greens.

Some time ago, our mutual friend shared his troubles over familial pressures to wed. His anxious parents had even taken to advertising him online without his knowledge. It's apparently a common practice in India, but he was still furious.

Women reply with their photographs and resumes, which indicate educational and work history, current salary, even their family members' background. Their fathers are usually doctors/lawyers/engineers and mothers usually 'pious housewives'.

Our friend showed us a few to ask for our opinions and one in particular, who earned a 4300 USD monthly (after tax), as a young IT professional. That's a lot in India.

To our friend's spouse-seeking woes, Von Bing allegorically posed 'the Secretary problem':

Imagine you need a secretary and are interviewing candidates one by one.
You must accept or reject each candidate after the interview. That means you must decide after meeting each, whether or not you will hire them.
You cannot reverse the decision once made and you cannot go back to choosing a previous candidate.

This, Von Bing hinted, was how he found his wife.

I asked him tonight if there would be other ways of solving the problem (since he is a statistician).

He smiles and says there probably are strategies, but he wouldn't want to go back down that road.

Would you?

friends, partner, marriage

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