May 24, 2011 20:48
I removed some friends a few days ago. I only removed people who met both of the following requirements:
A. They seemed inactive on LiveJournal
B. I felt like I never 'got to know' them, likely just because of a lack of semi-active posting.
I definitely understand not posting for a while, or just entirely quitting LiveJournal only to maybe or maybe not return to it later, so I'm happy to keep friends who aren't active. But I also like to kind of understand who my livejournal friends are, you know what I mean? I mean, I don't just want random, essentially anonymous and out of context entries showing up on my friends page. I want to kind of feel like they're actually friends, at least in a LiveJournal sense.
So basically, if you were removed and happen to see this, I just wanted to explain that it wasn't that I didn't think you were interesting or awesome enough to waste time on, I just figured you were gone and there was not point waiting for you because I didn't even know who you were that well.
And, obviously, if for some odd reason, you are really attached to (or even slightly interested in) the idea of being LiveJournal friends with me, I'd be happy to add you back.
I may also remove a few more 'borderline' friends in the not-too-distant future (Like, basically people that I kind of 'know' a little bit, maybe, and who post like once a month-ish or less. So that's just a heads up. And obviously, I'll happily take and honor requests not to be removed.