Originally posted at
As has been tradition over the past two years, my impending return to WPI is met with boundless excitement and anxiousness on my part. As I head back to WPI with alacrity in one weeks time I've been thinking about how this year is different from two years past.
No Surprises
The first year, I was a freshman... the second year I was a new RA. There's no adjusting to a dramatic shift in living conditions since I'm back in Stoddard. And hopefully, this year can get off on a good note, considering that A'01 was 9/11, and A'02 was just sucky for some reason.
Major Classes
The classes I'm taking this year are in my major (and my IQP). This is different from the crappy PH, CS, and MA classes I've taken, and retaken, in the past. Also, this A'03, I have no classes on Friday. I don't know if that's a good thing yet. If it's not, my B-Term schedule of class from 8-11 on MTRF whould take care of it.
This weekend is shaping to look like goodness with massive amounts of shopping at malls, IKEA's, and other stores. The following week, my last one on Long Island for perhaps 4 months, will be marked with packing, doctors appointments, and visits to some old friends.
Tonights TV includes an all new episode of Monk and Stargate SG-1 Also... new page on my website.
AIM Buddy Icons... to quote Z100, "Check it out!"