I'm a Total Fuck Up

Aug 07, 2013 09:35

She left. She claims it was to save the relationship, to get us into a better place, better jobs. She hasn't talked to me since.

On the outside, everyone thought she was the best thing that happened to me. Behind closed doors, it was like living with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I never knew what to expect. I worked so hard at keeping her happy, that my mental health took a nose dive, my health in general took a nose dive. I neglected my friends. I was starry eyed that someone so good looking would want ME.

She'd ignore me for days at a time. I tried everything to win her affection. Granted, this is after the first month...in that first month it was all about getting me hooked, sweeping me off my feet, promising the moon and stars.

I'm so stupid. I keep letting this happen. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I so desperate?
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