Jan 19, 2011 21:30
It's only like the second week of the semester, not nearly enough time to be stressed out, right? Like a total masochist, I signed up for an art class, watershed management, plus my required seminar/studio; all the while pretending I would still have enough time to work on my thesis and get out of here in a timely fashion.
How disastrous of an idea that was! I think it was during my icy walk up to school after I missed the bus this morning to get to my 8 am digital media class that it finally dawned on me that I need to re-prioritize my life this semester. This is indeed a moment when less is more.
I came home today and opened up to myself in letter format. It really worked! I dropped all the superfluous stuff in my schedule so I can better focus on what I must do to get done and out of here.