Okay so now I read that the idiots had this removed from the Smithsonian. The culture wars continue. When I was in DC this summer they had Allen Ginsberg's photos at the National Gallery. A huge shot of Burroughs hung outside on the wall. And I had to laugh because these guys are radical gay artists. But no one cares. Thats the thing about art and literature, the appreciative audience is shrinking.
Would the Christian Right rather do away with art museums altogether? I wonder what kind of stupid Norman Rockwell crap we would have if they ran the shows. Like those paintings of Jesus from the Jehovah's Witness newsletters where he sits in green field surrounded by children and animals. Its like a painting of Stalin.
And they scream that the ants are "eating" Jesus, when clearly its filmed in Mexico on the day of the dead and is a sugar shrine swarming with ants. What they hate, clearly, is the cock, but they dont know how to express that problem. Why dont they understand that when Jesus is in the dirt covered with filth that he has more power than when he is on the throne surrounded by golden light. I mean he's a martyr!! Wake up you stupid conservative christian sheep, learn about your God please.
Would the Christian Right rather do away with art museums altogether? I wonder what kind of stupid Norman Rockwell crap we would have if they ran the shows. Like those paintings of Jesus from the Jehovah's Witness newsletters where he sits in green field surrounded by children and animals. Its like a painting of Stalin.
And they scream that the ants are "eating" Jesus, when clearly its filmed in Mexico on the day of the dead and is a sugar shrine swarming with ants. What they hate, clearly, is the cock, but they dont know how to express that problem. Why dont they understand that when Jesus is in the dirt covered with filth that he has more power than when he is on the throne surrounded by golden light. I mean he's a martyr!! Wake up you stupid conservative christian sheep, learn about your God please.
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