I was 18 years old the first time I got to squeeze into one of the narrow, crappy seats in Tivoli’s Glassalen one evening in december to see my first Crazy Christmas Cabaret.
I was taking high-level English in my 3rd year of gymnasium, and this was a thing the teacher had been arranging for years - taking the class to see an English panto. And I was sold.
I haven’t missed a year since then. Even the two years I lived in Esbjerg and had to cross the country by train back and forth, even those years I went. Many of those first years alone, once or twice with my sister and her now-ex (one of those years was the brilliant Bored of the Rings, which was so incredibly geeky and meta, with Vivienne McKee wanting to do an Arthurian tale and the cast rebelling every time she wasn’t on stage and turning it into a Lord of the Rings parody), and - for the last few years - I’ve managed to convince some nerdy fellow Danes to make it a nice Christmas tradition between us.
This year is the show’s 35th anniversary. It’ll be the 18th CCC I’ve ever seen -
and the last. Vivienne McKee has announced that this will be the last CCC - and fair enough. She’s in her 60s and it’s her show, it wouldn’t be the same without her, it wouldn’t even be the same with her just behind the stage (they tried that one of the last few years and it wasn’t the same). Fair enough that they are ending while it’s great.
But it makes me so incredibly sad.
Ironically, the first show I saw? Science fiction themed. A Star Trek parody where the heroes had to fight the villainous Millennium Bug. And this year? Science fiction again - more of a Star Wars parody, this time, and
the gallery looks promising. I’m looking forward to when I’ll be going to see it just before Christmas - and at the same time? I will be so very, very sad.
This entry was originally posted at
https://oneiriad.dreamwidth.org/478888.html, where it currently has