LoT reaction post:

Nov 15, 2017 17:10

I am the only one a little annoyed at the entire "don't call us heroes, we're legends" part of every intro? Is it supposed to make them sound more - what? Humble?

I like the title card.

I get that they did this anachronisms can speak modern English thing for easy of storytelling, but I still think it's idiotic that Helen of Troy can speak English.

And really, I find the informed beauty thing - as in, everybody acts as if she's divinely hot, but the actress looks pretty standard Hollywood - is annoying and unconvinving.

And freaky friday is ago.

And here we go, as usual blaming the Troyan War on the rape victim. You think anybody ever asked her?

Awwww. Stein's boyhood crush was Hedy Lamarr, mother of wifi.

And he's so exicted to be going to a Hollywood gala. In Jax's body. In the 30s. Uhm. Methinks old white guy might be getting a nasty experience in a couple of moments.

And a wild Damien Darhk appears.

Guess nobody told Amaya that Kuasa is her granddaughter as well. And considering how the Zambezi - village? homeland? - turns out, Kuasa might have plenty to blame the grandmother who ran off to be a time traveller and superhero for.

Dear Damien: please start with Nate?

The attractiveness of Helen seem to be tied to the gender of her "admirerers", not their sexualities. Odd.

Ah, and we're actually getting the moral conflict of fixing time to make a bad thing - forcing Helen back to a period which was really not good for any woman - happen after all.

Would a 30s film set have live blades randomly lying around?

I like Madame Eleanor. She's such a vicious little villain.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey! Themiscyra!!!

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