Title: Ice
oneiriadDisclaimer: Neither Supernatural nor the various mythologies nor apocalypses belong to me.
order_of_chaos asked for Supernatural/Norse Mythology/any other mythologies you care to add - mutually exclusive apocalypses
The snow-covered landscape is eerily silent.
In the distance, a huge wolf is fighting with a jaguar, fragments of gold falling behind them as a trail, too far away for the noise to reach the man - well, man-shaped being - standing on the hilltop.
Sam tears his gaze away and resumes climbing, mindful of where he places his hands and feet, trying not to think what might happen if one of the frozen bodies isn't quite as frozen as the rest, if it where to reach out and...
He finds himself climbing faster.
Finally reaching the top, he spares a look back at the fighting beasts, before drawing his coat tight around him and stepping up to Lucifer's side.
The devil doesn't seem to notice him. All his attention is focused on something in his hand.
Sam steps closer, carefully, and looks, then finds himself having the oddest urge to pat the devil's shoulder. To offer comfort.
In the hand, completely still, lies a single locust, perfectly covered in ice.
Title: Lyngbakr
oneiriadDisclaimer: Sanctuary does not belong to me.
icarus_chained asked for Gods and monsters of the briny deeps, author's choice
Will cast a glance back at Henry doing - something to the helicopter.
"So, you're absolutely sure we're in the right place?"
Kate nodded.
"These are the right coordinates. My guy in Nuuk insisted that we'd find a really rare sort of abnormal here."
Will looked around him in a meaningful sort of way, taking in the tiny, heather-covered island, the pair of them and the helicopter with Henry dangling from it. Then he raised an eyebrow.
He thought the eyebrow was a nice touch.
"Yeah, alright, so I got tricked. Okay?"
"Just as long as you're the one to tell Magnus..."
He turned to walk back to the helicopter, hoping that Henry would be about done with it, but whirled back around at an indignant shriek.
Somehow, Kate had managed to get soaking wet. She had her gun drawn and was pointing it at a hole in the ground.
"Hey, are you guys alright?" Henry shouted as he came running - that is, he didn't actually get beyond the 'you', because he managed to trip on the way and the stunner in his hand went off, firing into the ground at an awkward angle.
And something screamed.
Loud as a siren.
And the island - moved.
"Told you there was an abnormal."
Kate looked remarkably self-satisfied for someone floating in the middle of the Atlantic with no land in sight.
Will just glared at her and hoped that Henry would manage the major technological miracle of turning the stunner and Will's not-too-soaked phone into some form of distress signal before the cold sea did its worst.
"You're still the one who gets to tell Magnus."