Dear Yuletide Writer

Nov 12, 2008 10:48

First of all, sorry - I really intended to have this posted yesterday. Ah well...

Second of all, thank you so much for apparently being willing to write something in one of my requested fandoms :-)

Anyway, this is my first time participating in Yuletide, so please forgive me if I manage to confuse or annoy you.

Right. As for what I like in fan fiction, then I am primarily a slash fangirl, although I also read lots of gen and some het. I particularly love well-written and complex tales, surprising twists, original variations on old themes, that kind of thing - but truth be told I'll read almost anything and can't always predict what will catch my eye. Sorry.

As for my dislikes: mpreg, Mary Sue, chan, explicit bestiality, heavy bdsm, seme/uke style relationships or explicit non-con.

As for the specific fandoms.

Dexter (tv)
I really do mean what I said in my request, that Dexter Morgan reminds me of the bastard love child of Jarod from The Pretender and Jim Profit from Profit. A really twisted bastard love child. Which is probably why I am enjoying the series so much. One small favour I'll beg of you, dear Yuletide writer, if you decide to write me this: I watch this series on Danish television, which hasn't gotten quite as far as I might like, so I would appreciate not getting spoiled for any major developments in season three. Well, unless you have some kick-ass idea and can't help yourself. :-)

Diana Gabaldon - Lord John Grey series
Me being a slash fangirl and an age of sail fangirl pretty much means that Lord John Grey is an enjoyable read - although I must confess that I doubt I'll ever read the main Outlander books. What little I've seen of the main characters from those books annoy me. But Lord John, on the other hand, is great fun. Can't really think of anything else to say. Sorry.

Kindred the Embraced
The thing you need to understand about my love for Kindred the Embraced is this: I am a Dane and before getting access to the Internet and the wonders to be found there, I was pretty much limited to what Danish television could be bothered to show. Others seem to have been watching Highlander or Forever Knight. Me? Stayed up late to watch this, thought Mark Frankel was hot, would think up - ahem - scenarios with Julian and Frank. Then I started in the local high school equivalent, discovered the wonders of the Internet, discovered slash...

Mythology - Norse
I honestly can't remember a time when I didn't know at least the basics of the Norse Myths. Not that surprising, really. And Loki is my favourite, partly because of my love for tricksters, but also partly because he seems to be one of the only individuals in the myths who actually have some depths and complexity. One particular dislike I have when it comes to Norse mythology, which I should probably mention, is when I encounter stories that paint Loki as purely an evil, evil villain and the gods as, well, good. Shiny. Nice. It always makes me go WTF. Odin is a liar, thief and rapist, Thor often appears as little more than a massmurdering psychopath, and the creation of the world involved a genocide. How anyone would be able to think of anyone of anything in Norse myth as even remotely nice is beyond me (with the possible exception of Balder). Fascinating, dark, twisted and with plenty of room for untold stories, yes. Nice, no.

Right. Can't think of anything else to say except this: På forhånd tak. Thanks for wriitng. :-)

norse myth, yuletide, fan fiction

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