I revised and posted two stories yesterday. Together, they came to about 7,000 words. I... don't want to do that again. At least not soon. I ended up not getting out of bed today until 11am, which is really late for me because I need to keep a regular sleep schedule.
They were
Money Troubles, a Sam & Max kidfic where little Sam desperately needs a lot of money fast, and
Change, a Phineas and Ferb futurefic where Perry is living with Doofenshmirtz and is worried that Phineas don't remember him. They're both set in November, which amuses me.
I tried to do some writing today, but I was so frustrated from yesterday that I didn't get very far. Oh well. I don't want to stress myself out before school.
Martin Olsen, a songwriter for Phineas and Ferb, put up a bunch of demos on his
Soundcloud, including demos of songs from unreleased episodes. I can't stop listening to
Everything's Better With Perry, which is from the movie that's coming out next year. It's catchy and true!
Press X To Jason, a song about the beginning of Heavy Rain. I'm still amazed that Jason was written with the mentality of a five-year-old. Didn't anyone who worked on this scene know how ten-year-olds act?