Like I've said before, I participated in the
Yuletide Fanfiction Exchange this year. I received two stories! They're both Homestar Runner fanfiction.
How The Dumpo Changed His Mope is about Strong Sad going to college, and
The Most Tolerable Decemberween Ever is about Strong Sad having a Decemberween. Check them out! If you like Homestar Runner fanfiction, of course.
I got assigned to write Sam & Max, which is pretty funny because that's all I've been writing lately. The end result was
Vampirism Never Pays, which is about Jurgen moving into Sam and Max's neighbourhood, and was surprisingly hard to write. I got halfway in, and just stopped. It was right at the start of the scene Superball was in, and I'd never written him, before, so maybe I was having trouble writing him? I don't think so, but it's strange. Anyway, I got it done in time, and it was mostly fun to write.
I wrote another Sam & Max fanfic as well, the poorly titled
You Can Be The Dog. They're kids in this story. I tried to stay true to the world (ie insane), but I made up most of the details. I'd been coming up with the details for a while, and it was fun to actually write something set in that world.