Nov 05, 2003 23:01
i hate poetry, i think its gay, having to figure out what some dead guy meant with all his hidden remarks, and then having to "exhaust" it by writing four pages on it. yeah. bleh to mr old poet.
other than that, i had an ok day. nothing wonderful about it. church was good tonight, except i was only there for like 45 mins cause i left as soon as the lesson was over to come finish that crappy paper. i was in charge of games tonight, wasnt what i expected, but not bad for my first try.
was talkin to brian at church tonight, and he was like "so..what exactly do you call you and alex" and i replied "my favorite", he said"favorite what?" and i replied "just my favorite" and he said"yeah, shes my favorite(and pointed at sarah)" and then chris chimed in "yeah, my favorite is up there singing and wont come sit with me" as he pointed towards kyrsten. was nice. :) <3
ok. im tired. i wanna talk to my favorite.