(no subject)

Oct 08, 2006 19:02

So this weekend was okay.
Friday Hannah came over and we watched House of Carters.
I could have gone roller blading but I was just too tired and I had to watch my brother.
Saturday I did nothing until 7 and then I went to Brusters with Kelsey, Chris, Brooke, and Katie.
It was fun until my mom started freaking out.
I don't know why but she doesn't trust me at all and she always automatically assumes I'm lying.
So all today I was grounded and I just did my homework.
But when she got home I explained what actually happened and now I'm ungrounded.
But from now on if I go anywhere I have type up an "agenda" with what I'm doing, how I'm getting there, and who I'm going to be with.
And the numbers of all the people who will be there...home and cell.
And if anything on that "agenda" changes I have to call immediately.
And no...I'm not kidding.
I don't know where this overprotective stuff came from but it was really sudden and I definetly do not like it.
But at least she's letting me go more places.
And school tomorrow is going to suck.
Because Friday we had this crazy museum thing and I didn't know what time or period it was all day so I forgot to turn in my science packet and I forgot to go take my spanish test.
So my teachers are probably going to be pissed but whatever.
Well I guess the best thing that's happened lately is that Emily got free tickets to RENT at the BJCC and I know they're extremely good seats but I'm not sure which row.
So at 2pm on November 11th I will be sitting in the BJCC crying my eyes out. Or maybe I'll just be in total shock. I don't know...I just hope I don't hyperventalate.
Alright well this is long and I have a history project.
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