Jan 12, 2006 16:02
so the past few days have been absolutely INSANE!!!!! tuesday katie hannah ledford and katherine all got in trouble at the assembly because some stupid teacher made up all this stuff they didnt do and all this crap and it was just stupid! then yesterday was the most ridiculous but really funny thing that has happened on my bus all 3 years at the middle school...and my bus is pretty insane. ok so there are these 2 kids that im gonna call kid 1 and kid 2 cuz i dont wanna say names. so kid 1 starts "talkin trash" about the kid 2's grandmother! so basically he was just saying f your grandmother! if it was me i would have laughed in his face but apparently kid 2 really loves his grandmother so he picks kid 1 up by the shirt (the funniest part was that kid 1 is like 3 heads taller than kid 2) and says dont say that again! well kid 1 being the idiot that he is pushes kid 2! kid 2 slowly makes himself fall onto the bus seat which didnt hurt him at all making kid 1 smack his head on the window which was the funniest part of the whole thing! so apparently kid 1's mom saw the whole thing even though there was no way because she was parked a long way from the bus! so she pulls her SUV in front of the bus so it can't move and gets on the bus and starts yelling at kid 2 even though her retard of a son started the whole freaking thing! shes all like you assaulted my child and im calling the police! and my bus driver was just like ma'am please step off the bus and she was like make me! so the woman has broken like 5 laws, stepping on the bus without permission, threatening a bus driver, threatening a kid, lying to the officer, and parking in front of the bus. well she calls the police and an officer shows up and thinks the whole thing is absolutely ridiculous! so basically we were delayed 30 minutes because of some pyscho woman and her idiot child need some serious therapy! yeah then today some kid passed out while we were discecting a chiken wing! and im not gonna say his name....and if you heard something let me tell you what really happened....hes not like a wimp or anything because he wasnt grossed out when he fainted! he was just sick and it had nothing to do with the chicken wing! so i hope tomorrow is just a quiet normal day! alright well this is already way to long but i had to go into detail with the whole bus story because it was just hilarious! so bye!