C2 fic...

Jan 12, 2012 17:38

I tried to post this earlier, but apparently I screwed it up!  Either that, or the Mods on that page didn't like it.   Anyway, I'm looking for a C2 fic.  I think it may have been a prompt request and I'm not even sure if was ever filled, but I think about it occasionally.  So, on the off chance that there's someone out there who could possibly figure out how my brain works, here goes:

Chad has been reading fanfic and asks why he's always portrayed as a douch.  His current boyfriend/girlfriend tells him its because he is a douche.  Chris heres and laughs at Chad until he realizes it actually hurts him.

Anyone have any idea what I'm remembering here?  Am I combining two stories in my head?  I'm not even really sure how to tag this.


chad/chris, j2, angst, c2

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