Oct 24, 2005 14:09
"Money is the root of all evils."
Well, maybe, but I believe it to be a necessary one. My laptop's not going to fall from the sky as a gift from God, you know. No that I really believe in that anyways. God that is. In a way, but not one that you could put a label on. I once explained my view on "God" to someone and they said I stole it from the Eastern View. Harsh man. I've never read a thing on Eastern Philosophy so how could I have stolen anything? No, I think if my views are similar to theirs, it's because of the universal connectivity of us all that I see as "God". But back to the money thing. Where is mine? How do you get it without working your ass off in a dead-end, lifeless job? Who will sponsor me to write? Because I have it in me, the talent of greatness that is, even if I'm the only one to believe it. And if I only had the time and resources (ie. not having to worry about money and bills so I can focus), I know I could pump something out that would kick some mega ass on the Best Seller Lists. Errr...hyped up a bit? Ok, so this is me trying like hell to believe in me, when inside I'm really a bunch of nerves scared to death of failure. Tell me I can do it. Believe in me. No? Well, I'll just have to do it for myself...and the money will follow.