Mar 21, 2024 22:56
I just ate dat ass like there’s no god damn tomorrow.
But anyway, welcome back to the show. A million little fish winning a million lonely hearts.
Things are moving along. The train is chug-a-lug-lugging down the track. Oh boy, here. We. Gooooooo.
I think, right now, in this very instance. Or wait. Would a haiku be better?
All is going well.
But be careful not to blink.
Chaos is waiting.
And it’s hung(ry).
What a weird thing to think about, right? Like I was so excited about you breaking my jaw with your ass that I created life. Dat ass is magic, yo! Out here in these streets giving life.
And what else? Did I say we were moving yet? God, that sound. That wonderful, lulling, ghostly, horrible sound. The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
I’m excited. We’ll be gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone.
Don’t forget to shine. If ever there was a time to step your pussy up, this is it. Bitch.
Alright, he’s here. He appeared on the shore. And he’s waiting to take me away.