[Application: Reims Academy ] Floe - Simoun [AU]

Sep 23, 2011 22:04

( fandom student application )

PLAYER: Mizure
AGE: 20
CONTACT: AIM: m1zure

NAME: Floe Sibyll
CANON: Simoun
AGE: 17
GENDER: Physically female, enrolled and presenting as such/mentally male/ambiguous (with intent to play it out)
YEAR IN SCHOOL: HS2 (11th grade)
ENROLLMENT: Wealthy family who spoil their baby girl rotten

APPEARANCE: Am I kawaii? Uguu~
Just shy of 5 feet, Floe is a short, round-faced, super cutesy looking girl with bright blue eyes and long, bright orange hair that's just as bubbly as she is (seriously, look at this stuff). She typically wears her hair mostly down with two little pigtails on top tied with pink ribbons. She almost exclusively wears the girl's uniform. When not in uniform, she likes what she considers cool and comfortable clothes; middriff baring tops with jeans, dresses with tights. She's somewhat trendy but not overly concerned with fashion trends.
PERSONALITY: At first glance, Floe seems to be your typical, overly cheerful girl. At second glance, however...well, she's still your typical overly cheerful girl. Sure, if you dig reeeal deep down you'll find a few stray insecurities, but for the most part what you see is what you get. Floe is bubbly and cute, and there's not much else to it. At best, she's optimistic and outgoing. At worst, she's obnoxious and loud. But no matter what, Floe doesn't care a bit what you think of her. She's confident and self-assured, even rather full of herself, but more than that she's always energetic and ready to have fun.

Floe is very honest and open with her feelings, never holding back what she thinks, even coming across as tactless at times, though she doesn't usually mean to be unkind. She's incredibly free-spirited and upfront. This is in contrast with many of the other characters in canon, because as an upper class lady and one of the nation's "priestesses," the girls are expected to be quiet, elegant, and refined. Floe ignores this completely. Social norms, what social norms? Floe is always living freely. For one thing, she's a huge flirt, defying the idea of being a delicate virtuous flower like she's supposed to be. Scandalous!

But she can't help it. Floe quickly becomes attached to people and is always looking to make friends, and easily becomes infatuated with every "cool" person who comes along. Male or female, it doesn't matter to her. Other people sometimes call her on these crushes, hinting that she's developing a bad reputation because of it, but Floe is quick to become defensive on that subject. She insists that she isn't a tease, only flirting with people she actually likes, and is "always serious" about her relationships. And she is, because Floe loves love. She loves the idea of being in love, and she's a true romantic through and through. She has a habit of butting in on others' personal lives and dispensing advice when she senses trouble brewing. Most of her advice is pretty superficial ("if she's talking too much, shut her up with your mouth! 8D"), but despite her ditzy, dense exterior, Floe is actually more perceptive than she lets on.

Floe is super friendly, but she's also very bossy and loud, and you really wouldn't want to deal with her when she gets in a foul mood. She's also something of a spoiled brat. Being from a somewhat higher-class family, she's used to luxury and comfortable living, and she's certainly not above complaining - loudly - when she doesn't get it. She's also prone to ridiculous mood swings, and can often be found pouting, sulking, and whining melodramatically when she doesn't get her way. She is deeply affected by sadness as well, but refuses to let it hold her down for long, always doing her best to look on the bright side of things. It's easy for her to get pissed off but hard for her to hold a grudge.

And she loves to have fun. While not super athletic and honestly kind of lazy, she's a bit sporty and can really gets into any sort of contest, even harmless games. She becomes very competitive and likes to trash talk her opponents, to the amusement/annoyance of those around her. She'll pout and stomp around when she loses, but that doesn't mean she's going to to get mad and cause a fight about it. Really, she'd rather just play around and have fun than fight over anything. Or do work. Or have any responsibility whatsoever. Basically, she's kind of a flake. Sure, she knows how to take things seriously when she needs to...she just really doesn't want to.

Remember those "few stray insecurities"? About those. There's basically two things that can make Floe uncomfortable. The first one is her country and the war its currently embroiled in. Floe has been raised to be as patriotic as everyone else- and she is! But she hates the war that her nation is in, and she hates the idea of fighting and killing. But she brushes it off by reminding herself that if they don't fight to defend themselves, people will die. For the most part though, she just doesn't think about it at all. She's got more important things to worry about. Like what she's going to wear today. Or whether that cute guy in her class likes her. Or whether she's really as comfortable with herself - and her body - as she acts. That's the second thing.

Anyone looking at Floe would think she's a total girly girl, and they wouldn't be terribly incorrect. After all, she loves frilly dresses and wears pink ribbons in her long silky hair that she maintains religiously. She carries herself with such confidence that it's hard for even her to see that there's something not quite right. But even though she does genuinely enjoy dressing and acting the way she does, she's never been entirely comfortable in her skin. There's always some feelings that don't quite match up the way she thinks they should. And after all, her country is very traditional, rigidly divided along gender lines. She likes people treating her nice because she's pretty, but she doesn't like being expected to act a certain way just because she's a girl. It's complicated. But she's still working these things out. And her typical method of ignoring problems until they go away isn't doing her any favors here.

As was said before, there isn't much to Floe beyond what you see on the surface. This isn't because she's shallow (although, let's face it, she really is kind of shallow), but rather because she's so honest and open that she doesn't ever feel the need to hide how she feels. She's not entirely carefree, and does have some worries - she's aware of what people might say about her wild and "improper" behavior, and she wonders occasionally - and only very occasionally - that they might be right about her. But she tries not to sweat the small stuff, because for better or worse Floe believes strongly in her own feelings, and she knows who she is no matter what other people say. Maybe.

COMPUTER APTITUDE: Floe knows how to do basic internet stuff, like checking her email and messing around of Facebook or whatever. But she's also kind of a massive derp. She can throw up a default filter (after being shown how) and that's it.

AU HISTORY: Tucked away in the Mediterranean, there exist two tiny and totally fictional countries: the coastal nation of Simulacrum and the archipelago of Argentum. For most of their history, these two have managed to stay almost entirely out of world affairs; both fiercely independent and stubborn, and both so small that even the relatively minimal effort of trying to beat them into submission was never quite worth it. So while on a global scale the two nations had things covered, there was always one thorn in both their sides: each other.

There had always had tense relations between them, and things had only escalated in recent years. Simulacram may not have been on the cutting edge compared to the rest of the world, but it had adjusted to technological advances seemlessly and was flourishing within its own borders. Argentum, on the other hand, seemed to be stuck in a perpetually clumsy state of industrialization. The tiny islands were overcrowded with heavily polluting factories, poverty and disease running rampant. It's leaders had bitten off more than they could chew when trying to modernize, and now there simply was not enough room or money to finish the job. So they turned to their prosperous neighbor for "help."

It's hard to say who was truly at fault. From the beginning, Argentum was hostile at best, outright demanding both land and aid, and threatening to encroach on Simulacrum's borders if denied. Simulacrum, a conservative, isolationist theocracy, was possessive of their territory and resources and rebuffed Argentum with excessive force. It didn't take long for things to erupt, and soon the two nations were at war.

But let's move away from the big picture for a minute. About fifteen years before the violence started, in the heart of Simulacrum's capital city, a bright eyed little girl named Floe was born to a wealthy young couple. She was never that close with her parents, raised on tutors and private schools while mom and dad maintained their busy schedules of work and fancy parties. But Floe was okay with that in the end, because what they lacked in affection they more than made up for in cold hard cash. Simply put, her parents doted on her. They weren't quite noble, but they were old money and provided whatever their daughter desired simply because they could afford it. Growing up in the upper class, Floe thrived in her position, blossoming into a spoiled but generally excitable and friendly young lady.

The culture of Simulacrum was a patriotic and deeply religious one. Most young children would join church groups that were given the job of leading prayers and standing around being inspiring to everyone with their virtue and whatnot. It was especially tradition for higher class families and Floe took her place without question. She wasn't the best at upholding the strict moral standards expected of her, but at least she took her duties pretty seriously. And she liked the attention.

Then, when she was about 15, the war started. Most of the young men of legal age got shipped out with the draft, and at first Simulacrum's defense leaders were confident that the fighting would last a few months at most before Argentum was crushed. Unfortunately, the other country put up more of a fight than they expected, even risking attacks on the capital city itself. Scared for their precious daughter's safety, Floe's parents worked quickly to ship her off to a boarding school to protect her. Given its prestigious credentials and the fact that it was still relatively close, Reims seemed an ideal choice.

INTRANET/1ST PERSON SAMPLE:Geez, what's up with all the extra homework lately? It's the end of the semester, shouldn't it be getting easier instead of harder? It's so dumb! All these tests are making my brain hurt. I shouldn't have to deal with this kind of effort. Blegh!

Oh, oh! But more importantly! Everybody remembers that the dance is next week, right? It's gonna be so great, I can't wait! So, who wants to be my date~? Lame people need not apply!

LOG/3RD PERSON SAMPLE: It was a gorgeous spring day outside. The perfect day, in fact. The sun was shining brightly, but the heat was not too intense, and there was a gentle breeze that made the branches of trees and the tips of the grass sway in its wake. It was absolutely lovely, and Floe was miserable.

The teacher's voice continued to drone in the background as the redhead stared out the window blankly. What the heck was up with this, keeping them locked in a stuffy classroom for so long? To her mind, it was a heinous crime to force anyone to attend such a boring class on a day like this! She was pretty sure it was against the Geneva convention or something. Of course, even if it had been raining and gloomy she would have concocted some reason to not be here right now. If she was being honest, she thought it was a crime to force anyone to go to any class, ever.

She tore her gaze away from the window and made an effort to tune back into whatever it was the teacher was lecturing about, but it was in vain. There were, like, ten million things she could think of that were better than being in class right now. In a last ditch attempt not to simply drop dead of boredom, she started mentally listing them: Sleeping. Hanging out with her friends. Playing video games. Shopping. Surfing the internet. She'd even rather be doing her homework! Well, maybe she wouldn't go that far. But still- well hello there.

The pretty brunette a few seats away from her had just stretched, stifling a yawn behind her hand. Her shirt rode up an inch or two as she did so, revealing smooth creamy skin that derailed Floe's train of thought entirely. She blushed slightly and struggled not to grin. She didn't quite succeed. Humming quietly under her breath, she let herself get distracted again, adding the girl's name to her list of things she'd rather be doing.

HAVE YOU READ THE FAQ? Rabid possum, right? Rabid koala? Something like that...

muse: floe, application

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