Goals, goals, goals.
I love setting goals.
As my Grapemo goals have been reached, it's time to set others.
First, February goals in review:
Complete revisions on proposal pages on LMB
Complete synopsis of LMB
Send proposal and synopsis to agent for review
Goal for March:
Complete 100 pages of revisions for KND
Goals for April
Write a synopsis for KND
Submit proposal for review
Writing a synopsis for LMB was a nightmare. I don't have a first draft, only 100 or so readable pages and...well, now I have a synopsis. The story itself is, essentially, still in my head. Writing a detailed (5 pages, single-spaced) synopsis for a story I haven't actually written was an experiment in terror. Happily, as I've been assured, a proposal synopsis isn't carved in stone.
With KND, however, the first draft is already written. Though writing a synopsis is never easy (frankly I'd rather floss my teeth with a razor blade) at least I have a decent foundation and won't feel as if I'm making it up on the spot.
Anyone care to share YOUR new goals?