Planning Ahead

Jan 26, 2013 13:53

(Why, oh why did I screw up my journal layout?

At least I finally figured out that I do have a choice between microscopic King James and huuuge Dick and Jane font sizes.)

That aside, let's talk about Grapemo.

It probably goes without saying that Grapemo takes Some Serious Planning.

Some of you have already decided on your personal writing goals. Others are still thinking about it. Don't worry, there's still time. :)

Remember, you're free to change your PWG at any time during this exercise. The last thing I want is for anyone to stress out when they realize (often in the middle of the month) that there is no frickin' way they're going to write X number of words, or completely finish a project, or whatever their PWG had originally been. So if you get to that point, PLEASE don't throw in the towel! Just drop me a note and, when I post progress reports once a week, I will post your revised PWG (with no explanation unless you care to share the hellish conditions that led you to this decision, lol).

All that said, remember to PLAN--and plan realistically. Do you really, really think you can write THAT many words in a month, even if it's not NaNo's abominable 50K? If so, go for it--you know we're all behind you 100%! But the last thing you want to do is set yourself up for failure right from the start. It might be better to start with a lesser word count or a smaller project--and then, when you realize later on you're more than likely to surpass it, you can then change your PWG to increase your word count.

Grapemo is a challenge--to challenge yourself! Writing is fun. Enjoy every minute of it! Even when I'm writing crap I'm having the time of my life. :)

grapemo 2013

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