Jun 14, 2010 17:54
Well, so far it's been le jour de merde.
My mom-mobile started smoking under the engine, it's going to cost $1400 to fix the problem, and I can't drag hubby out to look at cars. I am NOT. SPENDING. ANOTHER. NICKEL. on this thing. After this, I mean. PLEASE REMIND ME!
Then Elijah, who loooves to get my attention by swiping me with his paw, swiped me with his paw. Except he hit my laptop and knocked off 3 keys! BAD BAD BAD BAD DOG! (I threaten him with "Animal Cops" scenarios all the time, e.g.: "Remember that little doggy who...? Aren't you glad that's not you, you mangy little ingrate?"). Miraculously, Nate was able to pop them back on. This is the relatively new keyboard that I ranted about last year.
(I don't think the letters are quite in order, but I'm a sight-typist, anyway, so it doesn't much matter).
OK, what else? Oh! I pulled a Joan Crawford, grabbed a pair of pruning shears and totally chopped down a huge, hideous, 40-year-old arborvitae in my front yard--one down and 2 to go. Now I'm stuck with an humongous, straggly stump--and nothing to saw it down with--and a mountain of branches. Plus the lawn mower broke weeks ago, the new one was delivered damaged and the NEW-new one won't make it here till Friday... So between the stump and the bush clippings and the weedy, knee-high grass, I'm expecting a call from City Hall any day now.
I'm (thanks to a new system at work) scheduled to work an Extra Day this week. This issue has not yet been resolved to my satisfaction.
Did I mention I'm on Day 7 of a diet?
Oh...you can tell? :)